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I took a short break from blogging and now I'm back! Things were too crazy and hectic so this went on the back burner! Now its time to play catchup!
What better way to start then some pics of my sweet girls...
mowing with daddy! |
Easter morning was so fun because Violet finally is starting to get it. The first thing she said when she woke up was "The Easter bunny came!" And of course the candy eating started right away! What the heck though, candy for breakfast on Easter seems only fair.
After church we had lunch/dinner at my parents house with some of my sisters. The girls got to do a mini egg hunt in their backyard too.
I was originally going to buy their Easter outfits but then, of course, I talked myself into making them. I saw an adorable Mud Pie outfit and decided to just copy it. Different fabrics of course but basically same exact outfit. It turned out adorable! And even better, it was free because I had all the fabric for it!
I am having such a hard time keeping up with this blog! These girls are keeping me busy!
We took the girls to the Loomis Easter Egg Hunt again this year and they had a blast. Even Annabelle had a good time filling her basket with eggs. Vi did much better this year getting her eggs. Last year she wanted to open each one right away, this year she filled her bucket as fast as she could.
I made sure to prep her.. "Violet, these are YOUR eggs. Grab as many as you can as FAST as you can." Next year I may even make her practice before hand in the backyard... hey, those eggs are filled with chocolate.. we don't mess around.
Annabelle even made the Loomis News, the local paper. A star at 1 years old.
Annabelle's newspaper photos!
Most of my girlfriends have boys instead of girls so Vi has a lot of boyfriends! My dear friends son Case lives down the street from us and Vi just loves to play with him. They both are country kids and love to get DIRTY. We call em Hansel and Gretel.. two blonde, blue eyed sweeties!
Heres a video of her driving his jeep...
We spend so much time outdoors when its nice out. The girls LOVE being outside. Playing in the dirt, the sandbox, jumpin on the tramp or going to the park... we love it all!
We love to BBQ every weekend, its the best. After that..
maybe a little golf sesh..followed by s'mores!
these two play so well outside!
and of course.. we could spend hours at the park...
get it girl! |
and sometimes we even model outside!