Monday, April 6, 2009


4 weeks to go! Glory Glory Hallelujah! I can't wait to be promoted to wife and no longer just a girlfriend. Girlfriends are like managers and wives are like the boss or CEO. Maybe I will call myself the CEHO, "Chief Executive Household Officer". I may just get some business cards made up for that. I plan on being a stay-at-home mom with the bus load of children I want. Do not expect me to be driving a minivan though. Heck to the no. I'm a SUV kinda mom. I'm not super picky on which one, as long as it has navigation. Although my current car, a BMW, has a navigation system that likes to mess with me. My sister and I took a road trip to San Diego last year and listened to good ol' Bonnet (yes we named her.. it started as Bonnie, then went to Bonnet head, now shortened to Bonnet). After the whole way down to SD we were pretty sick of listening to her tell us directions every 5 seconds. Even when you turn her voice volume to the lowest setting she still is practically screaming at you. On the way home we decided to turn the voice commands off. So, being the blonde that I am I accidently got on the wrong highway and somehow ended up heading towards San Francisco, almost two hours going the wrong way. It was funny for about 30 minutes... but became very not funny after 11 hours of driving. Jess and I swear Bonnet was mad we turned her voice off so she let us go the wrong way. Pretty rude huh. Sometimes she directs me to drive in circles too. A couple of weeks ago I was looking for an Edward Jones office I was supposed to be oncalling at and Bonnet told me to get off the freeway in Sacramento, make a few loops through some neighborhoods and then get back on the freeway in the opposite direction. She can be quite horrible. And I am one of those people that need directions to everywhere. When I first got my license I would get lost in my own town. And don't bother with the north and south stuff... that is like Japanese to me. The location of our wedding is kinda confusing if you are not from our town so I will be sure to write directions on a post for those of you without navigation and for those of you with navi's like Bonnet.

1 comment:

  1. Ha I hope you don't get lost on the way to the wedding! I got so lost when I moved to UT and I couldn't call my dad for directions anymore :( Hope the wedding plans are going great!
