Monday, February 27, 2012

Fancy Pants

Last week we took newborn photos of Annabelle as well as some sister pics and family pics.  I am so excited to see them!  The amazing Colleen Riley took them, and from what I've seen she is amazing!  I wanted to share the bloomer/headband set I made for A to wear.  I had to whip them up the night before, while being really sick so the sewing on the bloomers wasn't my best work.  I typically go for the pink, purple and sparkly stuff as you know but this this time, I wanted to do something different.  I saw a cute set similar to this on Pinterest and knew I wanted to replicate it.

Very peacocky right?  I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out.

I snapped a pic of V before we took pics in her cute getup...

We even took some pics of V holding Annabelle.  I'm dying to see those, way too cute.  Here's a couple we took after our long day of pics.

Such a big girl

She loves her baby sis

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous outfit for the pics! You are so talented, Rach! The girls are gorgous as well. V's eyes are unbelievable! They are so blue!
