Friday, March 16, 2012

Violet McNutty

Violet is a NUT.  She is such a funny girl.  Her personality cracks me up.  She is definitely entertaining.  She is not quiet, calm and shy at all.  More like super social, wild and crazy!   The kid never stops.  She can chat up a storm now, saying sentences and everything.  She loves to sing the Barney song "I Love You" and the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" complete with the hand motions.  She can say the names of most all of her family including Mommy, Daddy, Sissy, Trixie, Penny, Mimi, Pappy, Grandma, Grandpa, Jess (aunt Jess), Annie (Dannie is her pronunciation- aunt Annie). 

She loves to say NO also.  When you say No to her or tell her not to do something, that pretty much means Yes to her or keep doing it.  Terrible listener. She has learned to say Please and Thank You which I love.   She also can say Amen after the prayer.. way too cute. 

The other day I caught her wearing a breast pad in her shirt for half the day.  And then the next day she wanted another one.  She loves to put butt cream on her dolls.. after she wipes them of course.  Yesterday she put butt cream on her lips like chapstick.  We have to hide our chapstick around here, she sticks her finger in them and digs out chunks. As I am writing this she is actually putting hand sanitizer on her face. 

I wanted to share some pics of her being her crazy self...

This is where I change Annabelle so she thought she needed to also- and yes thats hers sisters binkie
Funny story- Aunt Jess came over for a picnic and we were eating spinach dip and the bread pictured below.  Well V wanted the whole loaf.  She carried that thing around all afternoon, chewing away at it.  Nap time came and guess what-- she cried when I tried to take it away.  So the loaf of bread took a nap with her.  

She squeezed her booty into her dolls stroller... and buckled herself in

Don't you sit in a box to eat ur applesauce?

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness, the pics of her chubby little self shoved into the stoller are to die for! I am cracking up!!! Miss you girls!
