Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Annabelle is growing so quickly!  She is getting quite chubby finally.  She will catch up to V in no time.   She adores Vi and watches her like crazy.  She is def. not an easy baby by any means.  She cries alot.  She cries every single time she has to go in her carseat and go in the car.  EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.  It gives me anxiety like no other.  She will scream so hard she like coughs and chokes.  I hate having to take her anywhere.  Luckily it doesn't phase V, she pretty much ignores it.

Annabelle's tummy seems to have gotten worse lately.  We just upped her prevacid medicine to a full 15mg daily. Unfortunately the pharmacy has been out of generic for months so it costs about $62 a month for it. We just got a new prescription of zantac to try since its only like $7 a month. Hopefully something will work here soon.  She has trouble eating still, nearly every time I feed her.  She cries and sometimes refuses to eat for almost full days.  It's rough.

She has good and bad nights, sometimes only waking twice, sometimes keeping me up the whole night. She wakes up around 530am for the day usually so I try to go to bed early.  She only really takes catnaps now during the day which I hate.  I get nothing done.  I can't wait for her to nap on a schedule, hopefully in the next few months. 

She wears me out but she sure is a sweet baby.  She has the best smile and likes to talk alot.  And her reddish hair is kinda growing on me.  It's pretty darn cute.

Daddy and his girls

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