Violet needs to be constantly entertained. She gets bored easily and her pile of toys can only keep her occupied for so long. The other day I was trying to get something done and she was in her walker kind of whining so I grabbed the first thing I saw which was an apple. Its perfect because she can't choke on it, and it tastes good! I took a few bites out of it so she could kinda suck on it and get some juice. This thing kept her happy for quite awhile, she carried it around for hours.
see how she hoards everything in her walker? she absolutely loves water bottles |
On another note, Violet has mastered sitting back up after laying down! The other day I found her sitting up in her crib! My little monkey is growing up! The only bad thing is that when she doesn't want to take a nap she sits up and cries. She needs to figure out how to lay back down to take a nap!
she is doing so much! It's hard to believe she's only a month older than my slow-poke baby who sits up but won't even roll over?? very excited to see you and the little lady this Friday!!!