Sunday, March 27, 2011

Five Days of What I've Learned Since Becoming a Mom-- Day 3

Day 3- Busy Busy Busy

You are now a mom, you are fully responsible for a human being that can't do anything for themselves.  You can no longer sit on the couch all day watching Lifetime and eating popcorn.  Rats.  You can't sit in your craft room all day sewing and crafting.  No one can prepare you for how busy you become. You have no time! "There's no time, there's never any time, no time to study, I'll never get into Stanford.." (sorry, had to do it- Saved by the Bell for those of u who don't know that famous line).  

Laundry- loads and loads and loads of it.  Babies do this thing called PUTB.  Poop Up The Back.  They do it very often, sometimes 10 times a day.  That means lots of outfit changes.  I swear I always have a basket or two full of laundry needing to be done or needing to be put away.  I don't mind doing laundry, I just despise putting it away.  Laundry kinda consumes your life, or atleast my life now.  I remember dreaming of the day Violet wouldn't PUTB and now she rarely does.  But in the place of PUTB is large human size poop logs that smell like human poop. Woah, who put this adult size poop in my babies diaper? But that's another story for another day.  (You will be wishing for that cute, not as smelly newborn mashed peas looking poop).

Your Home- My house used to be clean all the time.  Picked up, tidy, neat and clean.  Not so much anymore.  It looks like a tornado came through on most days.  Toys fill the floor, laundry piles on the couch, dishes in the sink and on the counter and don't even get me started on the bathrooms.  You may as well use the porta potty down the street.  My blinds are coated in dust, my floors are dirty with shoe prints and doggie prints and is that piece of Yorkie dog poo still in the office corner?  Petrified by now?  Be ready to be ok with having a messy house.  Until you can teach your rugrat to dust and sweep for you, it ain't gettin' done.

You- Hats, buy lot of hats.  And comfy gym clothes.  Sweats in all colors.  I have so many clothes, too many actually.  And guess what? They never get worn.  I live in pajamas, sweats, track suits and gym clothes.  It is literally all I wear.  Doing your hair? Heck, I don't even get to shower nearly as often as I'd like.  On the plus side my hair is really healthy since I never blow dry or straighten it.  I just put on a hat and I'm good to go.  Makeup? What is makeup? I think my mascara dried up months ago.  I honestly feel like I don't even know how to put it on anymore.  Anyone know of a makeup for moms class?  Ha.  They would probably teach you how to rub the carrots your baby spits at you on your cheeks for some color.

Shaving your legs is a distant memory.  I get happy when I get to brush my teeth before 5 pm.  I think my husband gets happy about that too. Painting your toe nails? Haaaaaaa.  Ya right.  I still have a smidge of polish on my big toe from the pedicure my sister gave me when Violet was 2 months old.  That's right, almost 7 months ago.  I didn't even cut them for like 3 months after that. And it doesn't get any better the older your baby gets.  Atleast not for me.  I still have to shower when she naps or when my hubby is home.  So no nap means no shower. You wanna know whats good about the new and not so improved you?  Your baby loves you no matter what and probably actually likes the stinky baby spit up on shirt you've been wearing for a week.  She likes your frizzy hair that tickles her face when you are playing with her.  Hmm.. makes it all seem worth it, huh.  Well... it definitely is.


  1. who wouldn't know that line from saved by the bell...classic no-doze meltdown :)

  2. Oh my goodness Rachel... This is my life to a T!!! It is so nice to know I'm not the only one with a disgusting house and greasy hair. The only difference is the only clothes I have are maternity clothes because I never even got back into the bags of clothes I have sitting on my closet floor. And the sad thing is, it's only about to get worse for me.
