Friday, October 21, 2011


Warning: This is a post to complain so read at your own discretion.

What could it be that I want to complain about you ask? (other than the fact that it took me 5 minutes to type that question mark cuz V broke my keys)  Duhhhh...pregnancy.

As you are well aware, I dislike pregnancy.  The whole 10 months are poop for me.  This time around I have encountered a few bumps in the road.  Last pregnancy seems alot easier than this one now that I think about it.

The first 4 months were filled with morning sickness fun and the WORST exhaustion I have ever experienced.  Worse than not sleeping at night for Violet's first year.  I literally couldn't function.  Washing a dish wiped me out for a whole day.  As someone who can't take naps, I actually was able to during this time.

Just when it seems there was a light at the end of the tunnel I got sick with a terrible flu/cold bug (Violet and Justin too) for over a month!  It just kept going and going and when I thought I was better, the next day I was sick all over again.  Poor V was sick just as long.  It was a nightmare.

That finally went away and as of two weeks ago severe acute pain started in my right shoulder.  My whole arm would seize up in pain and throb and it would bring me to tears.  I could barely move it, had a hard time getting dressed pretty much was a handi.  Worst of all I couldn't sleep the pain was too intense.  I told Justin this was the worst pain I have ever felt and I meant it.  Worse than when I cut my head down to my skull on a wakeboard, worse than my misscarriage, and worse than the contractions before my epidural.  Finally, as I was about to take a trip to the emergency roomm I decided to try urgent care instead.  Haaaaaa.  so funny that I thought a nurse practicioner could help.  Xrays are out of the question so that didn't help either.  To sum it up I wasted $25 on a big load of crap. 

I might also mention that during a bout of pain I rubbed icy hot on my shoulder and somehow got it in my eye.  The next morning I had a clogged tear duct and a runny eye.  It just kept tearing up like I was constantly crying.  A tissue became my constant companion.  I had to get prescription eye drops and am currently using them and praying this clears up soon.

So, fast forward I am now seeing a sports injury chiropractor and he is the bomb! (ooo, that was fun to say.  Like 7th grade all over again)  My other shoulder is now bothering me as well, so he working on that too.  He said its pre scar tissue that is like big masses on my muscles.  So he massages and works it out and eventually will be able to crack my back.  He says its too tight right now.  I guess the pain that radiated down my arm was actually nerve pain and that has subsided a great deal since I started seeing him.

My sleep at night has gotten worse however because now both shoulders are very painful and now, my hips and knees are killing me.  Laying on my side is super painful, and when I lay on my back I can't breath very good because of the baby.  My new doc said we will work on that next week and gave me some stretches.   (and yes I have tried all kinds of pillows and all that crap-- not working).  So... in conclusion I am back to pure exhaustion, topped with horrible pain. And lets not forget my runny eye.

Last Tuesday morning has confirmed my feelings that this pregnancy is out to get me.  After being rubbed out at the chiro the day before I had the worst night of pain yet.  (I know this is normal since he worked out the bad stuff and now I am totally inflamed and can't take ibprofren) This morning I couldn't get out of bed.  My body wouldn't work without blinding pain.  I had to roll back and forth to sit up and then I could barely walk my hips and knees were giving out.  It took me a good 4 or 5 tries to get Violet out of the crib because my left arm is completely out of service.  Couldn't move it at all.  It's like my whole body is shutting down on me. Not sure what the heck is going on but I definitely didn't experience this with Violet.  I had hip pain but not where it kept me from sleeping the entire night.

So, thats it.  I'm done complaining.  I have this giant list in my head of stuff I wanted to get done before Annabelle got here but I don't think it's in the cards.  So if you see me hunched over, limping with my gosh awful runny eye and tissue in my hand, now you'll know.  (and my high school reunion is in a few days.... of course it is right?  Thats how things always go)

How bout some pics to remind me why I go through all this...

no more pics mom

i mean it

fine, I'll just keep hiding my face

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