Once upon a time there was this very fun and sweet princess named Rachel. She knew she had finally found her prince but she was having a hard time getting him to finally tie the knot. This princess was very patient and gave the prince
almost four years! What a nice girlfriend she was. So finally, one beautiful afternoon up in Kings Beach Lake Tahoe, the prince proposed to the princess. He took the princess on a hike in the snow up to the top of a hill overlooking Lake Tahoe and the white covered forest below. After reading a heartfelt letter the prince had written the princess, he got down on one knee and asked princess Rachel to be his wife. Well, you can imagine how excited the princess was! After a few "Oh my gosh's" the princess accepted. The prince and the princess cried many happy tears of joy... the prince may have shed a few more than her, but we can keep that to ourselves. The prince put the sparkling diamond ring on her finger as the princess stared in awe. This is some serious bling! she thought. It was extremely cold and windy at the top of this mountain but the princess refused to put her snow glove back on her hand. She wanted to admire her ring some more. Soon, the princess's hand became very purple and lost some of its feeling. Oops. After enjoying the most wonderful moment thus far in their lives, the prince and princess hiked down the hill. The princess only slipped and fell one time, and for those of you who know the princess, that's quite good for her. Immediately following the exciting event, the princess insisted they go to Safeway to purchase the Martha Stewart Wedding magazine. Martha is the princess's hero and she had been eyeing that wedding magazine for a
very long time... patiently of course. And so begins their journey of life.. which of course will end Happily Ever After. The End.