Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Crawling Madness!

Well if you haven't seen the video I posted on facebook yesterday, Miss V is crawling!! She has been so close lately I knew it would be any day.  My mom came over so I could run to the post office and when I came back she had crawled! Without me! The little stinker!  But once she had a taste, she was ready for more! She also stands up on her legs like a monkey walks and is trying to walk that way too.  It's pretty cute to see.  Guess its time to buy a baby gate for the stairs and make sure everything is picked up and safe.  Eeeek! Now I have my hands full for sure!

The road to crazy crawling:

Here I am practicing.

Most the time I scoot backwards and end up under the couch. 

  Quick break to read the weeklies

Baby Yoga- Downward Dog

Monkeying around, getting those legs strong!

Come on! Crawl or walk like a monkey over to Mimi!

 And here she goes...

Mom and Mimi were so excited they didn't notice her crawl on over to her snacks and dump the whole container out. Smart cookie.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Five Days of What I've Learned Since Becoming a Mom-- Day 5

Day 5- Pure Joy

I saved this post for the last day since it was most important to me.  Pure joy.  What does that mean to you?  For me it is simply one word.  Violet.  She has shown me the true meaning of happiness.  Never in my life have I experienced the joy I now feel.  Every hard part of being a mom, even the days you think you can't possibly handle the responsibility and lack of sleep, are all worth it.  100%.  I would go through 9 more months of no sleep all for this perfect little girl.  I would suffer through another 10 months of pregnancy to be blessed with her wonderful spirit.  She is literally the light of my life.  She completes my soul. 

I look at her in awe, how did we create this amazing little sweetheart? It is such a miracle.  I can't imagine my life without her.  I spend every waking minute with her and cherish it more than I can explain.  I miss her when I leave even if it's just a short trip to the grocery store.  I text Justin every 20 minutes practically if I leave.  It actually feels wierd to be away from her.  When I come home and see her it's like Christmas morning times 10. 

I have so many hopes and dreams for her, I hope that we will always remain close and good friends.  I hope to be a good mother.  Once again you can read all the books you want and take advice from others but only you can figure out how to be the best mother for your children.  It's a hard job, but someone's got to do it.  Actually, I think it' the most important job in the world.  Which is why we should get a large salary.  He he, I kid. 

To sum this post up I just want to reiterate that my new little family makes me so happy and fulfilled.  Children are the greatest gift ever and I feel so blessed that I am able to have them.  Since I was a little girl I have had a strong feeling that my purpose in life was to be a mother.  I never had high hopes of a huge career or fame, all I wanted was precious children and to devote my life to them.  Now that I have Violet I am confident I was right.  This is my true calling and I hope to be blessed with more sweet babies.  I love you Violet!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Five Days of What I've Learned Since Becoming a Mom-- Day 4

Day 4- Sleep, or should I say NO SLEEP

Besides breast feeding, dealing with sleep issues has been the hardest thing for me.  My one concern, the one thing holding me back from getting pregnant again is the lack of sleep.  Two babies that don't sleep might kill me.  All babies are different when it comes to sleep habits.  It would be a whole heck of lots easier if they were all the same.  Then we could figure out the one thing that works to get sweet baby to sleep more than 15 minutes at a time.  At the rate Violet is going now I won't be sleeping until she can pop an ambien.  Can babies have Nyquil?  Just kidding. 

When your baby doesn't sleep it feels like every other baby in the world sleeps perfectly.  It seems everyone you meet or talk to is singing praises about their kid sleeping through the night since he was 3 days old (ok that might have been an exaggeration).  They tell me what works for them and I think to myself "I have tried all of that".  The truth of the matter is your baby is gonna sleep when your baby is ready to sleep.  You can try everything you want  but sometimes nothing seems to work.  It is the most frustrating thing ever.  I read sooo many books on it too, and they all teach you different things.  I tried them all. Nada.

I should of known Violet would be an anti-sleeper since day one.  They tell you that newborns sleep and sleep and pretty much that's all they do.  Violet didn't even sleep that first night in the hospital.  She cried most of the night.  Those first few weeks at home she didn't sleep that much either.  It was a nightmare.  My hormones were crazy, I was a new mom and had no idea what I was doing and I hadn't slept in days.  I found myself thinking "Was I really ready to do this? Should I have waited?"  I felt so bad for thinking like that, I mean she was already here, I couldn't return her.  I became a little more sane after a few months and Violet even started sleeping through the night around 2 months old.  I remember bragging about it when people would ask if she was up all night.  No sir, my baby is perfect and sleeps from 7 to 8 am.  Not a peep comes from her.  Boy oh boy was I fooled.

She continued to sleep well till about 4 months.  We moved her to the crib because she was starting to seem cramped.  We had a few good nights and then she started the never ending bad sleep nights.  And up until a week ago, the terribleness has been going strong.  Some nights it was every hour, some nights maybe only 5 times.  Always a minimum of 3 times though.  The only easy thing about it is that I just nurse her for a few minutes and put her back down.  Its not a long process at each wake up.  As you may have realized, since Violet won't take a bottle, I have to be the one who gets up with her.  Yup you heard that right, I have gotten up every time since she has been born.  EVERY time.  I should win a Awesome Wife Award or something.  I'm sure Justin would get up with her, its just not realistic at this point.  (As soon as she is weaned he is getting up with her for the next 20 years).

Ok so I know your dying to know why things changed for the better lately? Welp, there my new best friends.  My trusty ear plugs.  Yup, ear plugs.  Violet's room is about a foot from ours so I hear every peep she makes.  I am a light sleeper so I always wake up.  When she wimpers, it seemed easier for me to go in there and get her back to sleep so I could go back to sleep faster.  Well now I don't have to go in there.  I have been wearing my ear plugs to bed every night and its working!  I don't hear all the little wimpering and she just goes back to sleep!  It is amazing how much it's changed things.  Last night I didn't go in there until 4:30, the night before was the same and the night before she slept all night!!  If she was really upset I could still hear her even with the plugs.  And if she cries before I even go to bed I try to go in the other room so I won't hear her.  She usually stops within 5 minutes.  I am actually getting some sleep!  Now, I know every night won't be so easy but I'll take what I can get. 

So hang in there if your in the same boat as me.  Maybe even try the ear plug idea.  Lots of energy drinks during the day help as well.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Five Days of What I've Learned Since Becoming a Mom-- Day 3

Day 3- Busy Busy Busy

You are now a mom, you are fully responsible for a human being that can't do anything for themselves.  You can no longer sit on the couch all day watching Lifetime and eating popcorn.  Rats.  You can't sit in your craft room all day sewing and crafting.  No one can prepare you for how busy you become. You have no time! "There's no time, there's never any time, no time to study, I'll never get into Stanford.." (sorry, had to do it- Saved by the Bell for those of u who don't know that famous line).  

Laundry- loads and loads and loads of it.  Babies do this thing called PUTB.  Poop Up The Back.  They do it very often, sometimes 10 times a day.  That means lots of outfit changes.  I swear I always have a basket or two full of laundry needing to be done or needing to be put away.  I don't mind doing laundry, I just despise putting it away.  Laundry kinda consumes your life, or atleast my life now.  I remember dreaming of the day Violet wouldn't PUTB and now she rarely does.  But in the place of PUTB is large human size poop logs that smell like human poop. Woah, who put this adult size poop in my babies diaper? But that's another story for another day.  (You will be wishing for that cute, not as smelly newborn mashed peas looking poop).

Your Home- My house used to be clean all the time.  Picked up, tidy, neat and clean.  Not so much anymore.  It looks like a tornado came through on most days.  Toys fill the floor, laundry piles on the couch, dishes in the sink and on the counter and don't even get me started on the bathrooms.  You may as well use the porta potty down the street.  My blinds are coated in dust, my floors are dirty with shoe prints and doggie prints and is that piece of Yorkie dog poo still in the office corner?  Petrified by now?  Be ready to be ok with having a messy house.  Until you can teach your rugrat to dust and sweep for you, it ain't gettin' done.

You- Hats, buy lot of hats.  And comfy gym clothes.  Sweats in all colors.  I have so many clothes, too many actually.  And guess what? They never get worn.  I live in pajamas, sweats, track suits and gym clothes.  It is literally all I wear.  Doing your hair? Heck, I don't even get to shower nearly as often as I'd like.  On the plus side my hair is really healthy since I never blow dry or straighten it.  I just put on a hat and I'm good to go.  Makeup? What is makeup? I think my mascara dried up months ago.  I honestly feel like I don't even know how to put it on anymore.  Anyone know of a makeup for moms class?  Ha.  They would probably teach you how to rub the carrots your baby spits at you on your cheeks for some color.

Shaving your legs is a distant memory.  I get happy when I get to brush my teeth before 5 pm.  I think my husband gets happy about that too. Painting your toe nails? Haaaaaaa.  Ya right.  I still have a smidge of polish on my big toe from the pedicure my sister gave me when Violet was 2 months old.  That's right, almost 7 months ago.  I didn't even cut them for like 3 months after that. And it doesn't get any better the older your baby gets.  Atleast not for me.  I still have to shower when she naps or when my hubby is home.  So no nap means no shower. You wanna know whats good about the new and not so improved you?  Your baby loves you no matter what and probably actually likes the stinky baby spit up on shirt you've been wearing for a week.  She likes your frizzy hair that tickles her face when you are playing with her.  Hmm.. makes it all seem worth it, huh.  Well... it definitely is.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Five Days of What I've Learned Since Becoming a Mom-- Day 2

Day 2! One word- Breastfeeding.

 Probably about the hardest thing ever.  They say give it a month or so and it becomes super easy.  Not true, atleast in my experience.  It took me 3 months to get the hang of it.  3 painful horrible months filled with engorged boobs, bleeding nipples, clogged ducts, and a yeast infection on my boob. Who knew you could get a yeast infection on your boob? After you get through it I have to agree that it does become second nature and it is way easier than bottles.  Baby wakes up in the night? No need to go make a bottle, just plop that giant boob in their mouth and your good to go.  Violet loved it so much she began to refuse a bottle at 3 months and hasn't had one since.  Even if its pumped breast milk, she isn't having it.  So I pretty much can't be away from her for very long and I could never go out of town anywhere since I breastfeed her to sleep at night.  Sounds tough but it's not that big of a deal to me.  I will have plenty of time for a vacation later (I think).

I plan on breastfeeding for atleast a year so I guess I'm stuck with these giant, bigger than Pam Anderson boobs.  You know, big fake boobs are fun and awesome until you breastfeed and they become triple D's or E's and they don't even make bras in your size.  You have to special order them.  No joke.  My dresses and tops no longer fit and I doubt I own a bathing suit that will even partially cover these puppies.  A little advice, if you find a good nursing bra, buy three or four.  Don't be a retard and only buy one like me.  You wear them everyday, all day so why would you only buy one.  Must have been post pregnancy brain. You think your boobs are big when you are pregnant, well I got news for you.  They double in size when your milk comes in.  I bought some bras before I had Violet, obviously in the wrong size, like two sizes too small.  I wasn't in the mood to tote a newborn around town for a nursing bra so I had that "double boob bubble" thing going on for some time.  Side note: nursing bras are not very attractive.  They can't double as lingerie... not like you are in the mood for anything that needs sexy underwear anyhow, right? Win Win.

Pumping- When I did pump in the beginning I realized what a pain it is.  I decided I would rather just nurse her than pump and let someone give her a bottle.  It takes time, it doesn't get as much milk out as your baby can get and it is scary to see your nipples stretched out like African nipples.  I made my sister try it just for laughs and it scared the crap out of her.  She was afraid her nipple would be 2 inches long forever.  It was pretty darn hilarious to say the least.  If you are gonna pump I recommend an electric one.  I tried the manual one first and it takes sooo long and your hand get tired pretty quickly.  And don't buy a gazillion bottles until you know your baby will always take a bottle.  When Violet quit taking a bottle I did some research and I guess its pretty common.  I bought so many different bottles trying to get her to take one.  I finally learned it wasn't the type of bottle, it was the bottle in general.  I now have quite the collection.  Maybe baby #2 will like them.

Breastfeeding Shenanigans-  It is beyond funny when Violet starts to eat, my milk lets down and she decides to try and sit up.  Milk squirts everywhere, spraying her whole face and bald little head.  She thinks its pretty funny too.  It's crazy how far those things can shoot. Now that Violet is getting older, she is interested in checking everything out around her.  Lately when I try to nurse her, she pulls away and just stares at my nipple like its a new toy.  She is enthralled with it.  Then she proceeds to take her chubby thumb and pointer finger and try to squeeze and grab it.  It is really funny until it hurts.  Somethin' that I can laugh about now is all the times my milk leaked through my breast pad, bra and shirt.  It happened to me so many times the first 5 months or so, in public even.  During the night when Violet would sleep longer than normal I would wake up completely soaked.  Sticky milk everywhere.  I have a rather huge supply of milk (I could feed a whole neighborhood of babies) so when I say soaked, I mean head to toe soaked.  I would stumble into the bathroom, eyes half shut to clean up and when I would take my bra off, milk would start to spray the the whole bathroom.  Not so funny at the time, but now, it's pretty darn funny.

Final Advice- Don't give up on breastfeeding.  I threatened to quit so many times, it was just too hard and painful.  It does get easier.  It just takes kinda a long time.  See a lactation consultant, read about it, you will master it eventually.  Buy a Boppy and a My Breast Friend Pillow.  I used both for the first 6 months.  They took the place of my couch decorative pillows for quite some time.  I lugged those things with me everywhere because they honestly made things so much easier!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Five Days of What I've Learned Since Becoming a Mom-- Day 1

I read piles of books before I had Violet preparing me for what was to come.  Even books boasting, "the stuff they should of told you" or "the stuff no one told you".  All I gotta say is you have to live the experience to really fully understand motherhood and what it's all about.  I wanted to share some of the things I have learned so far...(some of you may disagree with me, I am just sharing my opinions and experiences!) So everyday for 5 days I am gonna share a little somethin' and hopefully you will learn something, have a laugh or maybe just think who is this crazy lady and why am I reading her blog.

Let's start with pregnancy... for one, being pregnant sucks big time.  It is literally no cake walk (speaking of cake walk- I won one 9 months pregnant-- happiest day of my pregnant life). Don't get me wrong, seeing your little blueberry on the ultrasound is amazing, and feeling that little leg kick you for the first time is memorable... but 99% of the time, your fat, uncomfortable, can't breathe, can't sleep and are an emotional wreck.  10 months is a long time, it pretty much feels like a life time.  Those cute little kicks your little grape fruit give you turn into knock you out punches when they reach watermelon size.  Who wants a foot in the their rib all day? Not me.  Not to mention the cellulite, the fact that your underwear (or anything for that matter) no longer fit, and the fiery heartburn burning a hole in your insides. 

I'm not even going to discuss the first 4 months of morning (all day and night) sickness.  Months 5 and 6 went pretty smoothly and were actually somewhat enjoyable.  After that though your large size makes it impossible to do much of anything.  We made the mistake of moving when I was 9 months pregnant.  Packing and  pregnancy do not go together.  In fact, pregnancy doesn't go with much of anything except donuts and nachos.  Take my advice.. move in the early months of pregnancy or after.  Really.

Food and Eating- When I found out I was pregnant I began to gorge on food.  We went to Nebraska when I was 7 weeks pregnant and they like to eat alot in the midwest.  At my 8 week appointment I had gained aprox. 10 pounds.  Seriously? I found out I was pregnant when I was about 4.5 weeks so that means I gained 10 pounds in less than 4 weeks.  Don't follow my example.  That is exactly what you shouldn't do.  After that I still pretty much ate whatever but I didn't go crazy (ok sometimes I did).  I would hold my breath at every appointment hoping I wasn't beached whale status.  I would even eat only a little snack before my morning appointments so I would weigh less.  Pathetic I know.  I ended up only gaining 32 pounds which is right in range of what they want you do.  Plus I had more amniotic fluid than 90% of the population so I'm sure that counted for something (I like to think).

Exercise- I exercised up until I was about 8 or 9 months.  At that point I couldn't walk to the bathroom with huffing and puffing.  I didn't do anything crazy and strenuous, I took pilates twice a week and walked 4 miles 2 or 3 times a week.  Some advice for walking- if you walk on a trail where there are not people around, bring a backpack or something with water, food, and a cell phone.  I wore a fanny pack (yes that wasn't a mistype) after I nearly passed out one time and had no help.  I thought I was going to be stuck out at Sierra College on the 4 mile trail until Justin came looking for me.  Not ideal.  Always be prepared.  Being prepared when pregnant means having food and water with you at all times.  Your blood sugar can drop really fast when your prego.

Some good things about being pregnant:

-your hair grows really thick and long
-your nails get stronger and grow faster (not that great if you just bite them off like me)
-people let you cut in front of them in line
-you can pig out and people understand
-you can wear sweats and stretchy pants all the time (oh wait, I always do that)
-your husband doesn't give you crap when your just "too tired"
-no period... hallelujah
-people let you win cake walks

The good thing about all of this is you seem to forget all about the joys of pregnancy and do it all over again.

See you all tomorrow for Day 2!

Monday, March 21, 2011

An Apple a Day..

Violet needs to be constantly entertained.  She gets bored easily and her pile of toys can only keep her occupied for so long.  The other day I was trying to get something done and she was in her walker kind of whining so I grabbed the first thing I saw which was an apple.  Its perfect because she can't choke on it, and it tastes good!  I took a few bites out of it so she could kinda suck on it and get some juice.  This thing kept her happy for quite awhile, she carried it around for hours. 

see how she hoards everything in her walker? she absolutely loves water bottles

On another note, Violet has mastered sitting back up after laying down!  The other day I found her sitting up in her crib! My little monkey is growing up!  The only bad thing is that when she doesn't want to take a nap she sits up and cries.  She needs to figure out how to lay back down to take a nap!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sunny Day at the Park

Last Saturday was beyond gorgeous outside here in good ol' Loomis.  So our little family ventured out to the park for some fun in the sun.  Violet loves being outside!  We went on the swings and just relaxed on the grass and played with some toys.  I can't wait for it be to warm out more often! Hurry up summer!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Great Deal!

Just wanted to share an awesome deal I learned about through madebyheidi.blogspot.  Canvas People is giving away a free 8 x10 canvas print, you only have to pay shipping!  Or you can get larger prints and your get a $50 credit towards your purchase! I so took advantage of this and got an 11x14, total cost about $30.  That's insanely cheap for a wrap around canvas print... so check it out!  Click here

This is the pic I ordered... can't wait! It's one of our engagement pics. 

Oh and also, if you want to buy multiples.. you can get 50% off other canvas's or... like I did... you can just place another order and get another one free!  I guess there isn't a limit!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Velcro'd to Mama

Violet is the ultimate mama's girl.  I swear everyday it gets worse and worse.  The past few times I have taken her to the gym with me haven't gone very well.  She grips my shoulder so hard and her little lip pokes out before I even hand her over to the daycare.  She starts screaming immediately and they have to come get me within 15 minutes.  She is so upset she can barely breathe and it takes forever to get her calmed down.  She is usually grumpy for the rest of the day too.  It must traumatize her or something.  Guess I won't be working out unless someone can watch her at home!  Even when I walk out of the room at home she freaks out.  She doesn't like me out of her sight.  It's adorable and everything but sometimes Mama needs a break! 

How cute is this? Hilarious

Strong little legs! Standing on the couch

Bath time! She loves to splash all over and hates when water gets in her eyes
Loves her books!
Her new knitted cowboy boots from Etsy.  So freakin' cute!  

trying to crawl

loves daddy's hats
don't u wanna just squeeze those cheeks?
 Oh and I finished her outfit that I started awhile back.  I ended up just buying some red pants and adding ruffles to them instead of making the pants too... turned out adorable!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


As you all know, Violet is hair challenged.  Since she joined this world she has had a rather large bald head.  Lately I have noticed its starting to grow!  It is sooo blonde it's hard to see.  But it's there, I swear.  She has this one hair that sticks straight up in the back of her head.  Its like Alfalfa, but instead of a clump of hair sticking up, its only one hair.  It pretty much sticks up everyday, how cute is that.  I didn't get hair till I was like 1 years old so I am assuming V will be similar.  One less thing to wash in the bath I guess...

Can you see it?