Friday, April 29, 2011

Dear Teething Biscuit Makers...

I hate you.  Every kind, flavor, brand (except Mum Mums which Violet can now eat in 30 seconds flat) is incredibly messy.  You may as well plan on bath time after every one your kiddie eats.  Jeezo.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

9 Month Checkup

Violet just had her 9 month checkup, even though she will be 10 months in a few days.  She is still large and in charge.  She weighs 21 lbs 9.5 oz which is the 84th percentile and she is 28.5 inches tall which is the 69th percentile.  And of course her big head is in the 71st percentile.  The doc said she is healthy (except her ear infections) and will be walking in no time.  Actually when the doctor walked in Violet was standing there holding onto nothing.  What a showoff, ha ha.  The doc said the only thing she is behind on is her teeth, she only has one (it barely pokes through). 

I asked the Dr. about Violet's problem with sleeping at night and she said Violet seems to be getting a big portion of her calories at night with all the breast feeding.  So she recommended I start feeding her more during the day and make sure her dinner is huge and fatty.  ha ha. Funny huh.  She said give her hearty meats and bread with lots of butter.  Since she is such a big girl she is needing more calories.  I told her Violet doesn't really like baby food anymore and she told me to stop feeding it to her.  She said to do all regular food now as long as its small pieces and easily chewed.  This should help her sleep better also since real food is more filling.  So Violet has been chompin' on bread and butter, meat sticks (the kind that come in a jar in the baby food section), baby pasta, and cheese.  The girl loves cheese.  I am the same way though.  I eat a cheese stick everyday. 

So we will see if the sleeping gets better.  She also said to try not to feed her everytime she wakes up.  Easier said than done.  Especially when her ears are still bothering her.  Who knows, I pretty much plan on not sleeping ever again.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

You Might be a Redneck...

Or a busy Mom..

If you have to defrost your chicken in your bathroom sink-

Because your kitchen sink looks like this-

Monday, April 25, 2011

Almost forgot to share...

I know I posted all the Easter pics yesterday but I forgot I wanted to show a pic of a card my sis gave me.  It makes me smile everytime I look at it.  Mostly because it is me- to a T.  You'll understand once you see..

you can't see but there is glitter all over the dress

See what I'm sayin'?  No glitter but I did add pink tulle to make the dress poof more.  I like poofy.  he he.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Violet's first Easter was so much fun! Kids make holidays awesome.  Saturday my parents came by to bring Violet an Easter basket.  She was pretty excited.

Pappy and V (yes he goes by Pappy... I hate it but thats what he calls himself)

Mimi and V
enjoying her Easter basket from Mimi and Pappy (she even got jelly beans in that egg, the girl loves her sugar)
Sunday we woke up and Violet got an Easter basket I made her and a surprise one from Daddy! I even got a surprise basket.  It's fun for the Easter bunny to visit even when your a grown up!

loves the Disney princess microphone

Surprise baskets from the Easter bunny for V and I

tryin' to chomp one of mama's chocolate eggs

 We got V all dressed up in her new Easter dress and headband (duh headband) and went to church.  After a nap I took her out front to snap a few pics of my little Easter princess...

Justin's parents and his brother, wife and their little boy Landon came over for a Turkey dinner.  It was Justin's first time cooking a turkey with all the fixings.. he did awesome.  Quite the chef my man is.

Violet plays rough...

as you can see by Landon's face

Enjoying her very first mini chocolate cupcake

a tad messy.. just a tad

hasn't quite learned to share yet, were workin' on it
Can't wait for next years Easter, she will be ready to do an egg hunt.. Happy Easter Everyone!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Energizer Bunny

Violet just goes and goes! This girl never stops, I feel like I chase her all day long!  She loves to be chased.  It's become a game for her.  She giggles and tries to crawl away faster.  She gets into anything she can get her hands on.  I say "no" and she looks at me and then back at the thing she isn't supposed to be doing and then tries again.  Ha ha.  I have a feeling she knows what No means already.  It's crazy how much they learn and grow right around this age.

She can now stand by herself not holding onto anything for about 40 seconds or so.  (not that I'm timing it... ok maybe I am).  It is so wierd to see her do it.  My baby is standing? What the heck?  I think she will be walking before she's one.  She has gotten quite a lot of boo boo's lately.  Lots of hits to the mouth and lots of blood.  Scares the crap outa me!  She recovers pretty quickly though and is right back at it.  She finally cut a tooth.  She is teething like crazy and is snotting all over.  She loves to dance anytime she hears music and loves to watch pbs kids and the sprout channel.

She is obsessed with pointing right now.  Sometimes at things and sometimes at nothing.  Her babbling has increased greatly.  She has conversations with herself all day long.  It's adorable to listen to.  She says 'dah' for dog.  Atleast thats what I think she is trying to say.  She loves to poke Justin and I in the eye and pull giant chunks out of my hair.  She likes to poke her baby doll in the eye too.  Our poor next child is doomed to get lots of eye pokes.  She hates wearing hats and headbands now.  I have a terrible time keeping them on her.  She HATES getting her diaper changed or clothes changed.  It's the hardest thing to do. So most the time she just wears a shirt.

love those baby blues

see the booboo? and the snot for days?

how cute is this little butt?
havin' a snack with Trixie

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Poor Baby

My poor little Violet has double ear infections right now! Boo. Ear infection fairy I hate you.  It's her first time getting one and we no likey.  She hasn't been feeling well for almost 3 weeks now- super grumpy, sleeping even worse than usual, runny nose, etc.   I chalked it up to teething at first but then I finally took her to the doctor and am sure glad I did.  I feel terrible that I didn't do it sooner.  What kind of mom am I?  Don't you just wish they could tell you what hurts?  So she is on the meds and on her way back to her happy self.  This is only her second time being sick so we have been pretty lucky.  She is a healthy girl thank goodness.

u know ur baby doesn't feel good and is exhausted when they fall asleep in their bumbo

poor muffin  relaxin' on her new couch/fold out bed.

All Hail to the Princess!

Is it wierd that I want Violet to LOVE all things princess?  She doesn't even know what a Disney princess is yet and she already has their stuff.  Tutus, magic wands, tiaras... yes she has many of each.  Am I destined for a tomboy since I want a girly girl so badly? 

Her new Disney princess couch/fold out bed... I had to get it.  Had to.

quick poke to the babies eye...

then back to watching Dinosaur Train

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Some good ol' BBQ

Us Dickmeyer's love us some BBQ.  We love burgers, tri-tip, skewers, any kind of meat actually! We try to BBQ every chance we get.  A couple weekends ago we went and had tri-tip at the inlaws and this weekend they came to our house for yet some more tri-tip (no we never get tired of eating it).  Complete with all the fixings.. bbq sauce, potato salad, baked beans, watermelon.. It's pretty much a meal I could eat daily! Here are some pics from our grilling fun!

the "cheeser"

love love this. Grandpa Dickmeyer

rockin' the Nebraska hat from Aunt Jan

Sewing for V

I have made a couple cute things things lately I wanted to share.  I feel like I never have time to sew for V anymore since I started Etsy.  I swear Etsy is taking over my life! Every free second I am working on orders.  Uggg.. I love it but I wish I had more time to work on my house and sew cute stuff for my darling girl.  I have had fabric sitting on my craft table for a shopping cart cover for like 3 months.. just waiting to be made! Oh well, such is life...

I bought a little tutu skirt at Walmart for $5 and decided to add a little fluff.  All I did was make a pink chiffon ruffle and sew it all around the bottom.  Simple and oh so much cuter.  The shirt is my fav.  An ice cream cone with an appliqued cone and chiffon fluff for the ice cream.  Too bad the shirt is already like too small for her.  Size 18-24 months and already like an under armour shirt.  Jeezo.  The cute leg warmers you can't really see but they have pink bunnies at the top band and I added pink bows.  They were women's socks I got at Joann's in the Easter section.  Pretty darn adorable right?

not wanting to stand to show off her pretty outfit

this is what we call the "cheeser" grin.  she does it constantly.

Our neighbor gave Violet this cute little hoodie and I had been dying to do this tutorial  I saw on  I hadn't been able to find a cute infant hoodie so the neighbor saved the day.  All I did was add the horse silhouette, ruffle and flower to the front.  The fabric I used (except the horse) is jersey (tshirt material) so it doesn't fray.  No hemming needed.  I love simple projects!

the only good pic I could get!

I recently threw my sis a bachelorette party even though he isn't planning to get married till next year.  We figured I would be pregnant or have a newborn if we waited.  I did a vintage pinup theme which turned out pretty cute.  My sis hates anything pink, sparkly, or cutesy.. basically all the things I love!  I knew she wouldn't wear a boa or tiara or sash so I made her a necklace.  I knew she wouldn't wear it so it is basically a keepsake.  I think it turned out so cute!!

here we are, ready to party!

So those are the few projects I have done in between etsy orders.  Up next, adding some fluff to Violet's Easter dress and a matching headband.

Oh and I wanted to share some super good websites for all things girly.  Pettiskirts, pettirompers, bloomers,etc.  These types of items usually cost a fortune so I always just plan on making them myself.  Well I found some wholesale sites that sell the cutest stuff for dirt cheap.. way cheaper in time and money than making them.  So I decided I don't need to make Violet everything and bought some stuff.  If you have girls, check these out:

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Trying to Walk!

Got a quick snippet of Violet using her new toy as a walker.  Craziness...

(While I was blogging this Violet was unloading the tissue box for the 6th time today... pull out, tear in half, pull out, tear in half...)