Monday, April 11, 2011

Growing on Up!

I can't believe my little sweetie is getting so big and doing so many new things!  She just started crawling a week ago and within days of learning that she began pulling herself up on everything! Anything she can grab onto she uses to pull herself up to standing... including a little girl at church! ha ha ha.  That's another thing I've noticed lately.  She loves other little kids, a little too much!  She get very rough and pulls on them and grabs their faces.  Violet is not shy!  It's pretty funny to see.

So with all the new moving around she's bound to get some bumps and bruises.  So far she has only wacked her head and chin on the coffee table.  She likes to only hold on with one hand and balance on her own so sometimes that means a nice bonk on the side of her head.  A couple of times I have seen her let go completely and stand there balancing by herself ! Crazy!  Now I am starting to miss when she just laid there like a bump on a log!  I have to watch her every move, its a lot of work!

She pretty much loves to make messes all day long.  And it's not just scattering her gazillion toys around.  She loves to pull all the wipes out of the container, pull all the kleenex out of the box, take the folded clothes out of a laundry basket and pull all the books off a shelf.  You can literally twist your ankle walking through our living room.  She also just started taking baths without the baby bath.  She LOVES it.  She crawls around and plays with her bath toys.  When it's time to get out she tries to crawl away from me.  She would sit in there all day if she could.

She has become quite the hugger, kisser (ok, maybe slobberer), and cuddler as well.  I love when she hugs, it's probably my favorite.  She says mama and dada constantly and just started saying mama when she cries in her crib at night.  Smart cookie, way to make mommy feel bad.  She loves to drink out of her sippy cup and pretty much eats anything you give her.  Not a picky eater in the least.  I don't think she has ever not liked something, including dog food (yes she ate some) and a dog bone.  Funny kid. 

helping with the laundry

eating the dryer ball
her fav... she stands here looking at the dogs for like 30 minutes at a time (don't look at my dirty door)
playing with Max

makin' yet another mess

her first scone (a mini one from starbucks)

pulling out all the cookbooks (a piece of furniture I am redoing)

trying to crawl in there

I made some cake pops and let her have at it..

she LOVED it.. duh.. have u seen this chubby girl?

1 comment:

  1. Yikes remodeling is going to get awfully tough with that busy girl
