Thursday, April 28, 2011

9 Month Checkup

Violet just had her 9 month checkup, even though she will be 10 months in a few days.  She is still large and in charge.  She weighs 21 lbs 9.5 oz which is the 84th percentile and she is 28.5 inches tall which is the 69th percentile.  And of course her big head is in the 71st percentile.  The doc said she is healthy (except her ear infections) and will be walking in no time.  Actually when the doctor walked in Violet was standing there holding onto nothing.  What a showoff, ha ha.  The doc said the only thing she is behind on is her teeth, she only has one (it barely pokes through). 

I asked the Dr. about Violet's problem with sleeping at night and she said Violet seems to be getting a big portion of her calories at night with all the breast feeding.  So she recommended I start feeding her more during the day and make sure her dinner is huge and fatty.  ha ha. Funny huh.  She said give her hearty meats and bread with lots of butter.  Since she is such a big girl she is needing more calories.  I told her Violet doesn't really like baby food anymore and she told me to stop feeding it to her.  She said to do all regular food now as long as its small pieces and easily chewed.  This should help her sleep better also since real food is more filling.  So Violet has been chompin' on bread and butter, meat sticks (the kind that come in a jar in the baby food section), baby pasta, and cheese.  The girl loves cheese.  I am the same way though.  I eat a cheese stick everyday. 

So we will see if the sleeping gets better.  She also said to try not to feed her everytime she wakes up.  Easier said than done.  Especially when her ears are still bothering her.  Who knows, I pretty much plan on not sleeping ever again.

1 comment:

  1. I love those shoes! I see little girls with the bedazzled converse shoes all the time and I want to buy a pair, not for myself, but just to have because they are so cute! Have you tried giving Violet instant oatmeal? I give it to Luke and he loves it. I just put it on his tray and he feeds himself. It makes a huge mess, but it fills him up (he likes the maple and brown sugar flavor). I can't believe our babies are coming up on a year. It makes me sad!
