Tuesday, August 28, 2012

2 Years Old

I forgot to write a post when Vi turned 2 about how grown up this lil lady is getting.  She gets funnier everyday.  I know its important to do these age posts so we can look back and see what she was into and funny stuff she did. 

Our little Vi is still a VERY opinionated, outgoing, crazy sweetheart.  The girl wants what she wants, when she wants it.  She isn't scared of much and is beyond tough.  She can biff it hardcore and get up and keep running.  She is half boy.  She still loves to run around outback for hours.  She plays with the dogs, dirt and whatever else she can find.  She needs like 3 baths a day because the kid is very dirty and messy. 

She can throw a mean tantrum and everything lately is "No, thats mine!".  She even tells it to the cashiers when we go shopping.  She also is lately obsessed with saying "whats this?" to everything.  Even if she knows what it is.  A 5 page story book can take an hour to read because she has to say whats this, to every thing on each page.  She still is also very concerned with peoples feelings.  If any one is sad she immediately gets a sad look on her face and hugs them.

She will actually sit still on the couch for a timeout now, and says I'm sorry when its time to get off.  She can talk up a storm but alot of it only I can understand.  We do flashcards all the time and she will repeat each card to me.  Each day her pronunciation gets better.  She can even sing the ABC's.  She loves to sing!  Her favorite is Twinkle, Twinkle.  She also sings along to shows and movies.  Its hilarious because she even will hold the notes like they do. 

She dances alot, and let me tell you... its so stinkin' funny to watch.  When she gets excited to watch something she does this downward dog/headstand thing... so wierd.. she does it everytime. 

She loves to watch Spongebob (bebop she calls him), Caillou, Max and Ruby, Olivia, and Mickey Mouse but is totally obsessed with Scooby Doo... the new ones and the old episodes.  We have like 6 DVDs of it and we watch it constantly.  She calls him Gucko.  Its funny cuz she says "scarwee"(scary) when she watches it.  This past week I put on a Strawberry Shortcake DVD and now she is obsessed with that.  We watch the same DVD about 6 times a day.  She already knows all the songs.  She calls her cake, which sounds more like Pink.  She has a doll of her from her 1st bday and my "blankie" growing up is a Strawberry Shortcake blanket so I pulled it out for her. 

She loves fairies, especially Tinkerbell, which she pronouces babybell.  She also calls Annabelle Babybelle.  It is probably the cutest thing ever.  She adores her sister and plays with her alot.  Annabelle can't get enough of her.  Seeing them together is probably one of the greatest things on earth.  She always has to have like 25 dolls, toys or stuffed animals in her crib so there is literally two inches for her to sleep.  Oh and her Spongebob pillowpet.  Plus she always likes to take a snack to bed.  I know, terrible, but I really don't care.. you gotta pick your battles with a two year old.

She loves to color, play with her dolls and her play kitchen.  She also loves to help herself to stuff in the fridge and pantry which isn't my favorite.  The girl will eat anything.  She is the least picky eater.  I have yet to find something she doesn't like.  Even spicy stuff she likes-- "picey" she says. She is still obsessed with ranch and dipping too.

She can put some of her own shoes on, put her pullup on and pants sometimes.  She is super into doing everything by herself.  She doesn't want any help.  She has no interest in potty training yet.  She likes to sit on the potty but never goes.  I don't mind, diapers are easier!

She has a great memory and now remembers if I promise her something for after nap or for the next day.  She also tried to negotiate with me for the first time the other day.  She was in the tub and wanted bubbles and I had already put some in.  She knew we were seeing her friend Ben later so she says, "No Ben, Bubbles."  I said, "You don't wanna play with Ben? You want bubbles instead?" Yup, thats exactly what she meant.  Smart cookie. 

Well, I'm sure I could go on and on,Violet is so much fun and a joy to have in our family. 

hands on hips posing with Mommy's bracelets

strike a pose

she is obsessed with putting everything on her mouth.. sunscreen, lotion, butt paste.. u name it

our son

putting her shoes on all by herself

such a ham

running on the tramp

love this girl.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Daddy's Ladies

These girls love when Daddy gets home from work!

Lip gloss for Daddy

Lip gloss kisses

So shiny!

I'll just pick my nose..

...and then pick Daddy's

love the look on her face

this girl is sooo cuddly

Friday, August 17, 2012

6 Months!

Annabelle turned 6 months on the 7th!  6 months already?  She is such a sweet cuddly girl who always has huge smiles for everyone.  She  can roll around the living room and is getting better and better at sitting up.  She will get it in no time!  She loves her jumper and her walker and to play with her toys.

She loves to giggle and laugh at Violet and still thinks Violet is the best thing to ever happen to this world.  I can't explain how awesome it is to see how much love these two have for each other.  It's like they already have a sisterly bond and connection that only they understand.

Annabelle is a huge chunk.  She hasn't had her 6 month appt yet so I'm not sure what she weighs but I would guess its up there.  She loves rice cereal, assorted baby foods and especially the rice rusks Mum Mums.  She loves to drink water out of a cup, like an adult cup (with help) and can use a straw too.

She is still a horrendous sleeper.  Boo.  Not loving that.  She sleeps in our bed the whole night and still wakes up alot.  She also will still only nap in her little bouncy chair with me rocking it with her foot.  I am really over it.  I have tried to get her to nap in her packnplay in our room by letting her cry it out and its not working.  I've probably done it 7 times or so and she will literally cry for 2 hours straight and still not fall asleep.  Oye.  This kid is not figuring it out.  I could get so much done if I could get her to nap.  Guess I'll keep at it.  We are about to let her cry it out at night as well.  Its time to learn to sleep my little boo boo.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Holding Vi Hostage

The other day Vi climbed into the bouncer and got stuck.  We held her hostage in there and made her sing and do some of the cute things she does before we would help her out.  A tad mean maybe but getting this girl to sit still is impossible.

PS- at the end we have her sing New Kids On The Block "The Right Stuff".  Yes, you heard me right... Justin taught it to her.  Too funny.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

More Water Park Fun

We love going to the water park!  Vi finally played in the water the other day for the first time and of course loved it.  Its funny cuz I feel like I bring my whole living room when we go.  The stroller is overflowing.  I have to bring the sandtoys, sunscreen, towel, toys for Annabelle, the bumbo, snacks, drinks, the camera and more.  Ugg.  It takes so long to load and unload. 

Last Friday we went and Daddy showed up to surprise Vi (he gets off early on Fridays).  It's getting to be so hot I even ran through a couple times with A!