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We spend so much time outdoors when its nice out. The girls LOVE being outside. Playing in the dirt, the sandbox, jumpin on the tramp or going to the park... we love it all!
We love to BBQ every weekend, its the best. After that..
maybe a little golf sesh..followed by s'mores!
these two play so well outside!
and of course.. we could spend hours at the park...
get it girl! |
and sometimes we even model outside!
Grandma Dickmeyer, here are some pics of Landon from Debra for you!
I know this isn't just a photo album and I need to actually write down funny things and memorable things. I also know I have totally been slacking in that department! I opened Annabelle's baby book the other day and realized its mostly empty! Ooops. Violets is totally full of pictures, notes and every little thing she did. Poor second child... no time!
So I figure I should write about Miss Annabelle and how amazing our sweet 1 year old has become. She is now almost 14 months and ALL.OVER.THE.PLACE. The past few weeks she has been really picking up the walking and now walks probably 99% of the time. She is getting way better balance and coordination. I am VERY ready for her walk all the time-- this mommy is over the dirty knees on pants! Plus she is so into what V is doing and has a hard time keeping up when she is crawling.
She says new words all the time, a few off the top of my head: Mama, Dadda, stuck, snack, dog, yes, quack quack, vroom vroom, roar. She even tries to say Violet.. basically she will attempt to say anything you try to get her to say. She can also "sing" the gummy bear song (youtube). She gets it stuck in her head and always is singing "gu gu gu gu". Its pretty funny.
She LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and most the shows Vi loves. She will actually start yelling and waving her arm at the TV if I'm watching "my" show. That means put on a cartoon for her. Jeesh, only 13 months old and making me change the channel.
She is still my cuddly baby. She loves to snuggle up. She has always been calmer than V so I thought maybe she would be easier. But no. She is a crazy daredevil too. She is always standing on chairs or tables and even the rocking chair. She tries to go headfirst down slides too. She has no fear.
One difference between the two girls is that Vi is really tough. Always has been. She can biff it so hard and get right back up, no problem. Annabelle is a huge dramatic cry baby. She can fall over and not even hurt herself and cries like she broke her leg. She has always cried that way. When she wakes up from nap or in the morning, she screams bloody murder. No warning. Like its life or death. Kinda drives me nuts! And with that crying comes her love of being held... alot. My right bicep is huge! haha, just kidding.
She is obsessed beyond words with going outside.Which is obviously just like V. First thing in the morning she starts yelling and waving her arm again and pointing to the back door. She LOVES it. Of course she gets incredibly dirty because she walk/crawls. She has her own set of outside clothes/shoes now. Good thing both J and I love the outdoors cuz our kids sure do!
She loves to sit at V's kid table with her to eat or play play doh. Her favorite toys are her baby dolls, which is hilarious because V was the same. She feeds them bottles, tries to change their diaper, pats their back and carries them around or pushes them in the stroller. She also loves the cozy coupe car. I think we need another one because both girls totally love it. Plus when we have play dates all the kids seem to gravitate to it. Our poor house has become overrun with toys!!
I don't know how much she weighs or her height but I'd say shes on the short side. She is chubby but not as chubby in the least as V was. She has the prettiest strawberry blonde hair and her once blue eyes are now pretty much green! Her eyelashes are insane. Not sure where they came from but they are long and curly! Sweet A has the SWEETEST smile ever. Its huge and super gummy since she has only one and half teeth (slightly behind yes).
She loves to eat meat, cheese, yogurt and eggs. My kinda girl! She eats some fruits and veggies and of course loves pizza, french fries and burgers. Both girls are not picky eaters which is awesome. They both like sushi as well. Annabelle drinks bottles of lactose free milk 2-3 times a day now which is another difference cuz V never would have. It made quitting breast feeding (at 1 yr) so much easier. She actually picked the bottle over me!
The best thing ever is her love for Violet. Her face lights up whenever she sees her. She ADORES her big sister. Its the greatest thing to witness and totally what I wanted to happen! They play together all the time have a blast in the tub. Vi needs to work on her sharing and pushing and shoving with her so playtime doesn't always go well. Annabelle has already learned to fight back a tad. She will hold a toy behind her back so V can't get it.
Annabelle does awesome in day cares and church classes which is another difference between the two. I'm sure it helps that V is there though. She has a wierd love of men. She will always pick a male over a female. Every time I pick her up from the gym daycare or my moms church groups the teenage boy is always holding her! She loves her Grandpa, Pappy and Uncle Adam too and usually wants them. Its pretty funny.
The other day she shocked me. She had pulled a box of graham crackers out of the pantry and was sitting on the kitchen floor pulling them all out. I told her to come out to the living room to sit at the kid table for a snack. She wasn't coming so I went back in to find the sweet thing putting the bars back in the box and waddling to the pantry and trying to put the box back exactly where it was. Pretty smart for a 13 month old I'd say!
And one funny note- she likes to poop in the tub. Alot. No bueno.
I'm sure I forgot plenty but that's a good start for our little Annabelle!
Of course in both pics of her she isn't even looking at me!
When its warm out we always try and go to a park with Justin on the weekends. A couple weeks ago we took him to our fav. Mahany Park. Annabelle is even starting to enjoy it! Especially the slides, that kid could go down em all day! We didn't get too many pics, but here's a couple of our cuties.