Yes it's that time where I am about to count down the weeks, days and hours. I am 31.5 weeks currently and will be induced at 39 weeks. 7.5 weeks people! Holy cow, I am about to be the mother to TWO children. Can I just tell you how scared I am? Like crap your pants scared. Like run away screaming scared. I am SO over being pregnant (ok lets face it-- I was never not over it) but I am SO not ready for two. I can barely handle my one child. Honestly. I think that I can't keep up with my housework and projects now? Boy am I in for it.
This little lady is Ka-ka-KRAZY in my belly. Violet was quite the mover as well, but dear sweet Annabelle never lets up. She will somersault, kick, punch and dance all day and all night long. Rarely does an hour go by that I don't feel her. The kid doesn't sleep already. Remember how little V slept until recently? Doomed I tell ya.
I haven't even gotten anything ready really. I still need to wash her clothes and put them away, buy newborn diapers and pull out the baby gear like bottles, swings, and all that crap that piles up around your house. I also still need to buy my double stroller and a couple smaller items. I pretty much am set because of V. I have been way too tired to sew and craft so she will only be getting a few of those things. I have made a few tiny headbands and hats and decorated a few onesies but I haven't gone crazy getting crafty like I did with V. I would like to get a bloomer/headband set whipped out before she arrives for newborn pics since I probably won't feel up to doing that her first week of life. We shall see, maybe the Energy fairy will visit in the next week or two. As for now, I am a walking zombie who huffs and puffs every step she takes. Literally. I get out of breath after three steps and have to stop and catch my breath or put my head between my knees so I don't get light headed.
As for my giant belly- if one more person gasps in shock when I tell them I still have almost 8 weeks left, they may get a nice punch in the nose. I told Justin I want to make a shirt that says "Yes I have 8 weeks left, yes I am a whale"--- and make the number removable so I can update it each week. I can't tell you how many people assume my due date was last week. I have decent sized babies and enough amniotic fluid for me, you and your girlfriend. Hence the moose belly.
Here I am at 29.5 weeks...
And here is me the day before V was born...
see how big this thing gets?? |