Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Pinterest Tested

I've been trying to actually "try" things out I see on Pinterest.  I spend more time "pinning" then I do actually trying stuff.  Here are a few things I recently tried.. and all of them were fab. You should be able to click each picture to take you to the pin.  Then you click that picture and it takes you to the blog or website where they explain.

BEST STAIN REMOVER EVER... Seriously, this works for any and every stain.  Vi stains all her clothes so I spend a good couple hours a week trying to fix them.  I do love a good Oxy Clean soak, but for the stains that stay put after that.. try this..

Hydrogen Peroxide and Dawn Soap

REMOVE SCRATCHES FROM DVDS AND CDS...I fixed Violet's favorite DVD with this method.  Amazing!

Kids Toothpaste

EASIER WAY TO PEEL HARD BOILED EGGS... add baking soda to the water! Totally helps.

 Baking Soda

BEST WATER DETOX EVER... I've done this a ton of times and I can't tell you how good it makes me feel.  It's basically drinking tons of water for a week, which is something we should do all the time anyhow.  It's crazy the difference drinking water makes.


HOW TO CLEAN YOUR WASHING MACHINE...Make your washer last longer and get the gunk out!

Clean Your Washer

HOW TO CLEAN YOUR DRYER LINT CATCHER...So glad I found this.  I would have never thought you clean this.  DO IT.

Dryer Lint Catcher
its #17 when you click the picture

CLEAN YOUR ENGAGEMENT RING.. Made my diamonds so shiny again!

Ring Cleaner

CLEAN YOUR SILVER.. this is the only one I didn't love.  It took most the tarnish off but I think a regular silver cleaner works better...

Silver Cleaner

There's probably more I've tried and can't think of at the moment, but hopefully this helps ya! Hopefully soon I'll share the gluten free, low to no carb meals I've done with Pinterest recipes.  Oh and tonight I plan on dropping a chunk of magic eraser in my toilet.  Overnight it supposedly takes away the ring! Who knew?

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