Wednesday, June 17, 2009
My Campaign for the Whole Closet
Closet space... a girls best friend. A place a girl can go to admire all her pretty soft clothes and shiny heels. A place to hang all your necklaces, scarfs and hats and even a picture of your idol Lady Gaga (maybe thats just me). I'm fortunate enough in this world of micro closets and pipe dreams based off MTV Cribs and the Real Housewives on the Bravo channel, to have a decent sized closet. But... and of course there is a but, my husband shares it with me. After consulting other women on this matter, most tell me they simply put their husbands clothes in another closet. Do I dare? I mean, my poor Juicy Couture track suits are getting squished and I can barely pull a hanger out. I have shirts I haven't seen in months because they are trapped in the back. I can't even fit my dresses or cute jackets and plaid blazer in there at all, they are hidden in the office closet. Should I have to take this closet abuse another day? My beloved shoes, my best friends, are crammed and squeezed in all the nooks and stacked around like a garage sale. I pride myself on having the whole closet (including Justin's side) color coordinated and it gets all ruined by the shoe explosion. My jewelry is tangled and I can't even reach my bedazzled pink cowboy hat or my assortment of tights and leggings. Using the whole closet could really complete me, its the average housewives american dream. Then I could buy a fuzzy leopard chair with pink fuzzy pillows and set it in the center of my haven and spend my time gazing at my treasure. Hey, he gets the garage, the closet would only be fair.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Our First Family Camping Trip

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Facebook Pandemic
Sorry for slacking on the blog guys, facebook has taken presidence lately. That darn facebook, sucks you right in. I think I am also addicted to the quizs they have on there.. like 'how blonde are you?', 'what animal are you', 'what color is your aura?' and 'how redneck are you?'... by the way I scored 'total redneck, don't ask me how but I guess it's growing up in Loomis. Today I took 'What dog are you?' and found out I'm most like a beagle. Geez.... why couldn't I be like a wolf? A measly little pestering beagle is hardly something I was going for. There are some good things about facebook though, I have reunited with old friends and have been meeting up with a few. It's always fun to reminisce back to elementary school or high school. Plus I am not a phone person.. I actually hate talking on the phone, so facebook works perfectly. A quick hi, how are ya, no 30 minute phone call necessary. So, on to another subject... gosh there is so much going on, where to begin (actually I have nothing)... Tonight my friend Lisa is coming over for a sewing party. haha, I guess that sounds pretty lame but I assure it will be most entertaining. I will be sewing hair clips onto her hair extension while watching Twilight and eating huge amounts of candy. I know I know, you all are wishing I had invited you but I really need peace and quiet when I watch Twilight and lust over Robert Pattinson. So one other person is all I can do. Gosh that man is amazing... Rob, Robby, Robert... my heart be still....
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