Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Little Ballerina

You all know I love to dress Violet up. It is one of the most fun things to do. Well I sometimes go overboard and even dress her up for bed. These are her new ballerina pajamas. How can you not die over how cute this is. Crazy yes, adorable.. double yes. (if your wondering I didn't make her sleep in the skirt-- thought about it tho)

I guess even ballerinas drool


Just had to show this so cute headband I made for my little sister Annie's 16th Bday present.. I want to make one for myself now!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Headband Mania

I have been churnin' out headbands like crazy lately, they are so fun to make! I feel like I never have time to sew or do my crafts but I have been workin' on them once she goes to bed. I want to make like 50 so she has one for every possible outfit. I'm a loon I know. Here are a few of the ones I just did (they are clips so you can put them on different headbands)...

And how bout a few pics of the cutest baby on the planet...

look at those legs kickin' future track star

my fav. pic right now!

Love This Girl

Can't believe she is almost 3 months! She is getting so much easier. No one can prepare you for the first 8 weeks or so. Excuse my language but it was pure hell. Not totally enjoyable. I'm thinkin' baby #2 will be easier because I will have some sense of what to expect. I think I am starting to get the hang of things. I can usually tell when she is hungry or tired or has a tummy ache. Being a mom is so tough, such huge expectations. I am reading this really cute book called "I Was a Really Good Mom Before I Had Kids". I highly recommend it. Violet is so funny. Recently she has begun to love cartoons. Justin puts on the really old Mickey Mouse cartoons on the laptop and she will just stare at it for like 30 minutes. It's hilarious. I also put her in front of the TV and played a Baby Einstein DVD and she loved that too. Only 2 1/2 months old and already loves the TV, might not be such a good thing! I also have been reading little Baby Einstein books to her and she loves looking at the pictures. She smiles and babbles the whole time. I swear she is going to be a genius. (I know all mom's think this about their own!) She has even slept all night through for a week straight now! Can't complain about that! I swear its all about a schedule. Since I have been putting her down every night around 7:30 she has been sleeping so good. If we have the grandparents watch her at night I have them come over so I can maintain the schedule and routine. It must be really important to do this because it sure is working!

hangin' in the Bumbo
you can never be too chubby
how funny is this hat I made

I need a matching pair!

I just want to eat them!

girly girls can rock out too!
Husker game day, gotta wear some red!

Go Big Red!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Getting So Big!

I am having such a blast with Violet these days. She is becoming so aware of her surroundings it is so much fun. She can hold her head up so good now so we got her a bumbo, boy does she love it. She absolutely loves to watch everything that is going on around her. Yesterday she sat in it and watched me unpack groceries. She also loves anything that lights up and plays music. She will stare at it and smile for hours! So I got her a lights and sounds thing that goes on her carseat. She also adores her glowworm. It's so funny because I remember having one of those. She has been going to bed around 7:30-8 every night and I think it's becoming routine for her which is great. I usually feed her and then put her down semi-asleep (sometimes totally awake tho) and she goes to sleep. She usually sleeps 6 hours or so before waking for another feed. Sometimes I get lucky though and she will sleep longer. Last night she slept 8.5 hours before waking up! Lovin' that!

Dress from Aunt Jess

Who doesn't love a jean mini? She looks angry, probably tired of all the photos I take of her!
love her little muffin top

loves her new Bumbo

Monday, September 6, 2010

Violet's First Husker Game

Last Saturday was the first Nebraska Cornhusker football game, and at our house, thats a big deal. Justin's family is from Nebraska so we are huge Husker fans. I think I have 25 different Huskers shirts, sweatshirts, hats... We even hang a red Husker flag on the front of our house every game day. I even offered to have Violet and I go outside when Justin hung the flag on Saturday so we could salute it and sing the fight song. We sure do love us some Husker football. I have been meaning to buy some Husker baby stuff for little V but I ran out of time. So of course, I had to make something. It turned out pretty darn cute too. I took a cheap onesie and added some iron-on letters, mini roses and the cutest ruffle butt ever. And she had to have a matching headband, so I made that too. Love how it turned out. Justin's cousin Ryan from Nebraska actually was in town so he came over to watch the game, as well as Justin's parents. We bbq'd and had a great time. Now I just have to teach Violet to say "Go Big Red".

sparkly red iron on letters

ruffle booty- I don\'t have a serger yet so I left the edges raw which will unravel and look ragged when washed, I think it will look pretty cute
cutest chubby cheeks ever

only look at baby-wearing zero makeup, not a pretty sight

Friday, September 3, 2010

Dr. Appointment

Today was Violet's 2 month check up and it went great! She is such a chunk! Her head was 39 cm and in the 58th percentile, her height is 22.5 inches and in the 56th percentile and she weighs 12 lbs 10 oz. which is the 90th percentile! Holy Moly! 90th percentile! Her rolls go for days! She is such a cute chunk though. She had to get 3 shots in her thighs which was probably more terrible for me. The poor thing. I gave her some tylenol but she seems to be doing fine. She's a trooper.

how cute is her leg with a bandaid?