Sunday, September 12, 2010

Getting So Big!

I am having such a blast with Violet these days. She is becoming so aware of her surroundings it is so much fun. She can hold her head up so good now so we got her a bumbo, boy does she love it. She absolutely loves to watch everything that is going on around her. Yesterday she sat in it and watched me unpack groceries. She also loves anything that lights up and plays music. She will stare at it and smile for hours! So I got her a lights and sounds thing that goes on her carseat. She also adores her glowworm. It's so funny because I remember having one of those. She has been going to bed around 7:30-8 every night and I think it's becoming routine for her which is great. I usually feed her and then put her down semi-asleep (sometimes totally awake tho) and she goes to sleep. She usually sleeps 6 hours or so before waking for another feed. Sometimes I get lucky though and she will sleep longer. Last night she slept 8.5 hours before waking up! Lovin' that!

Dress from Aunt Jess

Who doesn't love a jean mini? She looks angry, probably tired of all the photos I take of her!
love her little muffin top

loves her new Bumbo


  1. Wow, 8.5 hours? You're so lucky! Landon still wakes up every 2 hours (sometimes every hour) to eat! Do you have any tricks? I'll be so happy when Landon sleeps more...he's awake ALL the time it seems. I am one tired mama!

  2. Forgot to add, Violet is so adorable! I love all her little outfits!
    I can't believe how fast our little babies are growing!
