Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Family Reunion in Utah

Last week Violet and I had the chance to go out to Utah with my parents and sister Annie for a family reunion for my mom's side of the family.  It was Violet's first plane ride, holy moly was I scared!  She did pretty well.  She didn't cry at all she was just very active!  Climbing all over my mom, Annie and I (my dad drove with the luggage- what a champ huh!).  She could not sit still!  I made sure to bring two bags of candy for her which helped immensely.  The flight was only an hour and a half yet felt like 5 hours.  Not something I want to do very often!

It was alot of fun to see my moms 9 brothers and sisters and their kids.  Everyday we had different activities and meals with everyone.  Violet ran around and was an energizer bunny the whole time.  Mommy was very tired at the end of each day!  We also got to see some of the extended family which was awesome.  V enjoyed all the attention.

Day two we got to go to the Zoo which was V's first time.  She couldn't see much from the stroller and she skipped morning nap so she was a tad grumpy.  She did like the bird show alot.  All these gorgeous birds flew over our heads and V couldn't take her eyes off them!  I think we will try it again when shes a little older!

V and Cousin Luke

Annie chasing V

ok, how cute are these pants?  I was dying.

V loves her aunt Annie

there she goes again, trying to take down the other babies

She loves balloons! She got them all wrapped around her body.

big girl trying to put her shoes on


  1. If you decide to give her away- send her back to us!!!

  2. It was great seeing you and Violet! I know what you mean about an hour plane ride seeming like five hours! I am always physically exhausted after plane rides with the kids. Love the pics of Luke and Violet together. Such cute little cousins!

  3. wow! Look at all the hair! She looks like she's growning a ton right now! And the outfits are to die for...not that I'm surprised since she is the little fashionista! see ya soon!
