Holidays are getting more and more fun the older V gets. Its awesome. This year we went and saw fireworks, it was Vi's first time. She loved it of course. We started out the day by going to the City of Roseville parade. Its not a very exciting parade but V loved it, especially the horses. And when they threw candy at her.
After that we walked down to Royer park to meet up with our friends ands their kiddies and let them play for awhile. We didn't stay long because there was a TON of people there. Total madness.
Later we BBQ'd with Justins parents and hung out until it was time to go watch the fireworks. We went to the Roseville Fair Grounds and parked across the street in this big field. We opened the back of the car and laid out a blanket too. We even brought the bumbo for A. We ended up not being able to see them super good but Vi still enjoyed it. We could actually see them in a couple areas in the sky. Annabelle slept through it all. I can't wait for next year when both girls can enjoy it!
Parade Time!
BBQ Time!
V and Grandpa "boppa" |
Ready for the Fireworks!