A couple days ago Violet knocked my socks off with how smart she is. Justin went out back to do something and Violet watched him go out the sliding glass doors. She immediately went over to the big basket by the door that houses our shoes. She pulls one of hers out and hands it to me. What? My baby actually knows that we put on our shoes to go outside? She was handing it to me to put on her. What a smarty pants! I didn't want her to go outside so I set it down. Well miss smarty went and pulled the other shoe out, sat down and tried to put it on her foot. What the heck? Aren't you only barely 1? Today I went outside to feed the big dogs and came back in to find her head deep in the basket, shoes scattered about, looking for hers. Ha ha ha.
just chompin on babys hand |
helping mama vacuum (actually vacuuming with her is super frustrating! ha ha) |
soooo cute ....must be enjoying each and every moment of being blessed with Violet :)