Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Real Violet

Everytime I post pics of Violet or take her on an outing the girl is head to toe girly girl in pink, sparkles and tutus.  Not to mention the giant headbands and bows.  90% of everything she owns is pink, purple or has some type of ruffle or bow on it.  Well let me tell ya.  This girl is quite the tomboy.  Her favorite thing to do by far is go out back in our yard and play in the dirt, grime and mud.  When a sprinkler is left on that is the first place she goes to and stands there in it even when its 8am and still chilly out.  I have no need for all these nice cute outfits because the moment we step outside she is a mess.  She has shoes that are only for outside and I am about to buy a pair of snow pants she can throw over her nice pants for playtime outside. 

Our yard isn't nice soft grass where all you worry about is the occasional grass stain.  We have mud puddles, weeds, lots of giant holes from the dogs digging and mounds of poop.  And two acres can sure tire a girl out!  I took some photos a couple weeks ago to showcase the real Violet.  Cutoff onesie, knee socks to protect her little knees from all the falls she takes and her boys "outdoor only" shoes. 

I guess I can be ok with a tomboy... she's the cutest tomboy I've ever seen!

And here is a pic of her sporting her new outside boots.  Now that it is raining and more muddy we needed to upgrade the shoes...

1 comment:

  1. She is such a her boots..when they come this cute, you need to have a dozen...
