Thursday, May 3, 2012

Smarty Pants

Violet is getting too smart.  She has this stool I bought her that she carries around so she can reach things.  She uses it to reach things on the kitchen or bathroom counter and recently... uses it to unlock the front door.  She hasn't however realized that she has to get off the stool and move it in order to open it.

Our little V is such a funny kid.  There are so many stories to tell, I forget half of them!  She can work my iphone.  Like really work it.  She knows how to unlock it, click of on itunes and then choose which show to watch or which song to listen to.  She is obsessed with listening to music on it and dancing.  She says "dance dance dance".. its way too cute.  She loves to act out some of the songs from the Wiggles or Barney-- they have some songs with hand and body motions you do.

I can't even recount everything she can say these days.  She pretty much says it all.  She can repeat anything you ask her to.   Something funny she does all the time, which Aunt Jess taught her is to say "cheers" and clink your glass or cracker or whatever else your eating or drinking together.  It's hilarious.  She also says Amen after the prayer.  She tries to say Annabelle but can't quite get it yet.

She is also obsessed with having anything and everything that everyone else has or does.  If I change Annabelle, she has to be changed.  If I put on a new shirt, she needs a new shirt.  If baby spits up and I wipe her mouth, Vi will actually spit or drool on purpose and needs her mouth wiped.  If I say baby sissy is so cute, she points to herself wanting me to say she's cute. If I go to the bathroom she has to sit on the potty (she won't go though).  If A takes medicine, she thinks she needs it...and on and on.  With EVERYTHING.

She also removes her diaper everytime she doesn't have pants on.  Atleast 4 naptimes without pants have resulted in her peeing her bed.  I think I need panties for her to just put over her diaper.

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