Monday, March 9, 2009

Me + Jazz Music = Please No

How does everyone feel about jazz music? I pretty much cannot stand it. I try to have an open mind and appreciate all types of music but jazz just isn't doing it for me. Many of the offices I work in play jazz all day.. like the office I happen to be in at the moment. It's giving me an anxiety attack. Maybe it's the fact that they play this stuff at the dentist that's freakin' me out. I keep imagining being at the dentist and hearing that terrifying whirl of the drill. And with my candy dependency, I visit the dentist quite often. My teeth must be like 75% made up of fillings or some ridiculous percentage. Anyways, back to jazz. Why do they call it jazz anyhow, I took many years of jazz dance classes, and we never listened to this rubbish. Or jazz hands and jazz squares, those are fun. So why did they name this horrid music such a fun dancy name. I actually just heard a song that I preformed a cha cha dance to back in the day. Yes, I did the cha cha... it was for the Church Dance Festival. A swing dance performance followed by a little cha cha number. Ha ha, I know this is funny to all of you, but I'm actually more mortified about my talent show dance performance of Britney Spears Stronger... or my rendition of a dance number from Dirty Dancing complete with the running leap into the air at the end. Now those are memories to be embarrassed about! Humiliating memories that my dad happens to have all on video. Thanks dad.

1 comment:

  1. omg, my last job played jazz music it drove me insane!! there's nothing you can do to escape it!! too bad people can't listen to ipods at work.
