Wednesday, January 12, 2011

6 Month Appointment

Today Violet had her 6 month appointment.  She is a healthy happy little girly! She weighs 18 lbs 5 oz which is the 86th percentile.  She is 26.5 inches tall which is the 72nd percentile and her head is in the 75th percentile.  The doc said she is well preportioned just super sized.  Ha.  I like that.  She had to get 3 shots including the flu shot.  She has to go back in 4 weeks for another flu shot too.  She did so good though, she only cried for like 5 seconds on the tetanus shot which the nurse said stings.  She got a tongue depresser with stickers on the top for being so good.  She loves the thing and has been carrying it around all day and chewing on it.

The doctor said she is ahead of the class on a few things, I knew I had a genius on my hands!  She said Violet is sitting up pretty early and the fact that she knows who is mom and who isn't and gets separation anxiety already is ahead of the game.  Also I told her that she has been saying "mamamama" and I guess babies don't usually start that until 9 months or so.  I feel like I am one of those annoying moms who brags about their baby but I am just so darn proud of her!

Her doc could see her teeth about to come through and said within the next month they would.  She said she would be probably crawling any day now so get started on baby proofing! I can't believe we are already to that point! Time flies.  She said that Violet can eat anything but honey now which is pretty cool.  She said I could chew up my food a little and feed it to her.. even ribs, chicken wings and ice cream! (I swear she said those foods! how funny huh) She recommended I start feeding V the 2nd stage baby foods like the beef and chicken noodle and all those dinner jars.  I guess she will sleep better at night once she starts those because it will be actual food filling her tummy.  I gave her the chicken noodle tonight and she loved it! I also bought a bunch of those little snacks they make for babies like the little puff balls and yogurt melts. 

Here is a sneak peak at her 6 month pics, I will try to post tomorrow..

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I love her chubbiness :) There is nothing cuter than arm fat on a baby!! We should get together with the baby girls soon!
