Thursday, September 22, 2011

What I'm Lovin' Right Now

{I would like to apologize first for being such a crappy blogger lately.  We were recently really sick for about a month and now two weeks later, its back.  Or something very similar.  Right now just V and I are suffering so hopefully J won't get it again.  He was so congested he got a sinus infection and couldn't hear out of one ear for about 3 weeks.  Brutal.  I'm sure hoping this is the end of being sick for this year for us.  I feel like this whole pregnancy has been completely miserable (not that it is enjoyable anyhow).  So, keep us in your prayers that we we be healthy once again!}

Ok, now the fun stuff.  What am I loving right now?  Let me tell ya...

I'm loving fabric tape!  You can find it on etsy but I like to get it on .  You can make things with it, add it to home decor, make stationary, so many things!  I haven't experimented with it too much yet but here are two things I have done:

added it to a family picture in my bedroom, just stuck it right to the mat.

yellow gingham was exactly what this front porch plaque needed.

Here my collection so far--

I am sooo loving these glitter binders, folders and notebooks I got at Safeway!  Can you believe it? Safeway?  You are never too old for glitter.  Although, the checker asked me if I was in college and I replied Nope!  These are just for fun.  I like to organize my sewing patterns and tutorials in binders.  And for years I have pulled pages out of my home decor magazines and put them in plastic protectors in binders as well.  So there you go! Not just for students.

I am in love with this handmade crocheted blanket I got at Salvation Army.  I know, I know, some of you say icky, gross, it's used.  It totally looks brand new and probably some nice old lady made it and never used it.  And YES I washed it.  The turquoise, cream and white are a great color combo and anything handmade has me drooling!

I'm loving and probably over consuming the Crystal Light individual lemonade packets you put in water bottles.  Hello, how did I just now try these?  They taste like homemade lemonade and they have no sugar and like 2 carbs or something.  Um, yes please!

I am loving, so so loving, the garden veggies a wonderful girlfriend gave me, especially the tomatoes.  I am a tomato whore.  Can I say that?  Well, seriously, I eat about two a day.  Slice em' up with a ton of salt and i am in heaven.  Next year I WILL have a veggie garden.  ( Right, and I'll have the whole house decorated, sew a full wardrobe for V and Annabelle and start my Etsy again.... ha)

What are you loving right now?

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