Sunday, January 8, 2012

18 Months!

I have a one year old? Really? I can't believe my baby is already that big!  Its insane how much smarter she gets each day.  And her personality is hilarious.  I know at 16 months I went over all the stuff she says and does but I have a few more to add to the list.

She HAS to go to bathroom with me everytime.  And now she actually lifts the lid for me and then hands me the toilet paper.  Hilarious.  Such a good helper.  She also loves to flush.  Now if only I could get her to go on the potty!

She can do a ton of animal sounds now.  Its so funny to hear her do it.  Tonight she did a monkey for the first time.. I said "ooo ooo, ahh ahh" and she says "ahhhh ahhh" over and over.  Love it.  She loves to moo, woof, meow, bauk, and now ah ah ah.  She also is obsessed with airplanes.  She waves to them every time.

Two nights ago she told us she wanted to go to bed.  What the heck!?  She got out of my lap, turned the tv off and then reached up to me.  (she knows to turn the tv off before bed)  I was shocked.  So I took her up and she went right to bed.  I could get used to that!  And it was 15 minutes before her bedtime!  Tonight, Justin said "do you want to go to bed?" and she got right up and turned the tv off and was ready.  Such a good little girl!

Her baby dolls still pretty much take over all her playtime.  She carries them around all day, feeding them, rocking them, doing everything she can with them.  Such a girl in that sense.  She also loves to clean.  I caught her wiping the tv with a wash cloth this morning.  She likes to pull wipes out and clean the coffee table and is starting to get better at putting things away if I ask her to.

She loves to eat cereal with milk, in a bowl with a spoon just like a big girl.  And she is quite good at it!  She always wants a spoon or fork with every meal.  I now carry them in my diaper bag.  She loves chapstick and now has her own hello kitty tubes (I got tired of her ruining mine!) and she LOVES lip gloss.  I finally had to get her some wet and wild clear so she could go to town.  She is pretty good at putting it on her lips, but she likes to do it about 30 times in a row.  Atleast with clear she can't get too crazy.

My absolute favorite is still when she gives me random kisses throughout the day.  I could kiss that girl for hours.  She actually makes the kissing noise now with her kisses which is even cuter.  Boy do I love this little girl.

Here's some pics of the lil darling over the past month...

See the pigtails? Love.

trying to type like mommy

her airplane face.  everytime.

how cute are the overalls? best five bucks I ever spent!


the giant bruise just adds to the cuteness
can't get over how cute this little girl is.  Love her.

1 comment:

  1. She is darling! I love the pigtails! I love 18 months (even though it's a naughty age, but isn't every age?). They learn tons of new things every day!
