I figure I should write about Annabelle's birth since I wrote a post on Violet's. Not very entertaining to read for y'all but something for us to look back on.
I knew I was going to be induced around 39 weeks pretty much the whole pregnancy due to the size my tummy gets and apparently the size my babies get. I was so excited to know I would be able to have everything clean, put away, laundry done... basically everything set up before I gave birth, including showering and putting makeup on. I like to plan. (Side note- cleaning your whole house at 39 weeks is not ideal, pretty much it was horrid) So Monday the 6th my Dr told me to check in for the induction at 6:30. No specification of AM or PM. I assumed PM since all my friends got induced at night. WRONG. I get a call around 7:30 from the hospital wondering where I am. Ugggg. I freaked. I was all ready to go that night, not that morning. I took the fastest shower ever, threw my clothes on, had Justin come home from work and had my mom pick up Violet. We actually got to the hospital an hour after they called. Pretty quick huh?
So things went smoothly the first few hours. They broke my water at 10am and hooked me up to the pitocin. A few hours later I was dying. They had my pitocin turned way up and I was contracting like a maniac. I kept asking when I could get an epidural and basically they wanted me to wait until I couldn't handle the pain. Um... why was that necessary? I'm still wondering that. It didn't help my labor in any way to make me lie there in pain. Finally I was groaning, moaning, crying and yes even a little screaming. I have never experienced that much pain in my life. I literally wanted to die. I swore up and down I would never ever do this again. I thought I would pass out from the pain.
Finally they came to do the epidural. And of course, things didn't go smoothly there either. The Dr couldn't get the epidural in. He could get the big needle in but not the catheter they thread through that. So, 45 minutes later, after 5 numbing shots and 5 giant needle pokes they got it to work. All the while I'm having contractions with about 30 second breaks in between. Snot is dripping down my face from crying and I really thought they wouldn't be able to get it to work. At that point I think I would have passed out.
Once I had the epidural it was smooth sailing. I was fully dilated about 2 hours later. I started to shake like a drug addict at the end which meant my body was ready to get that baby out. I pushed for about 8 minutes and out came my little chubby 8 lb baby. I was shocked. I pushed for 2 hours with V and labored for 15 hours. Annabelle only took 7.5 hours total! How so totally fast is that. I think it''s funny that as the Dr. was pulling her out she exclaimed "Why do you make such big babies?". Makes me laugh. And I actually guessed her exact birth weight.
We stayed at the hospital two nights and sweet girl barely left my arms. I was in love yet again with another perfect little girl. Our hospital stay was good, nurses awesome, food- not so awesome. I started puking and got very nauseas right before we left. I guess all the pain killers and meds had built up in my system and were making me sick. A few days later I felt much better.
So thats the story. Way easier second time around. Besides the pain they made me endure it was not bad at all. Next time (yes, next time) I will demand an epidural sooner. NOT doing that again.
About to leave for the hospital! |
Time to put on the oh so cute gown |
How cheesy is my grin |
Proud Parents |
8 lbs 3 oz- my BIG baby |
So happy my sweet girl is here |
Aunt Jess |
Violet meets her lil' sis |
Big sis and little sis |
Grandma Dickmeyer |
Look at all that hair!!! |
Aunt Jess can't get enough! |
Daddy's Girl |
Time to bring sis home |
Love this picture. Violet is so happy her little sister is home. |
What a cute family you have. The two girls look so cute together.