Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The First Two Weeks

Hmmm.. where to start? The first two weeks home with baby Annabelle were kinda a nightmare.  A few days after we got home from the hospital we took V to the dr and found out she had double ear infections again and bronchitis.  She was miserable to say the least.  We tried our hardest to keep her away from the baby but that was impossible.  Violet was all about her new baby sis.  So our poor sweet newborn got a terrible cold at only a few days old.  Lets just say it scared the crap out of me.  I was so scared it would turn into bronchitis or phneumonia.  She was stuffed up and coughing that terrible barky cough. And then she started puking.  I don't mean regular baby spit up.  I mean projectile, across the room, like 6 oz. at a time.  It started happening more and more- like every feeding.  I was changing her clothes, blankets and sometimes my clothes 4 or 5 times a day.  Total nightmare.

We had an ultrasound on her tummy to check it out and it seems like shes ok.  We also had an xray on her chest to rule out bronchitis.  I feel like we have lived at the dr the past three weeks!  We are really watching her weight since she seems to puke up all her food.  When she was at the peak of her sickness she only gained half an ounce in 4 days, now we are up to half an ounce a day so things are getting better.  Her puking has also gotten better, but we do have her on an acid reflux medicine because she has constant tummy aches.  The poor girl gets one every feeding.  So we will see where it goes from here.  The dr. says as she gets older the acid reflux will get better.

Besides all that nonsense little V had a horrific time adjusting to new baby sis.  She completely loves her and was thrilled she was home yet couldn't understand why she was sharing mommy.   Violet is the ultimate mommy's girl so not having mommy all to herself was pretty darn hard for her.  She started acting out and throwing all day tantrums.  I can't even explain how hard it was.  She spent a few days pretty much throwing herself on the ground screaming ALL DAY.  It seemed like it would never end.  It was like our sweet Violet had completely dissapeared and some other little girl was at our house.  So totally not prepared for her to react that way.  I can happily say that now, our sweet V is back.  She does throw tantrums more often but I think that is because she is almost 2.  So glad she adjusted relatively quick.  Not sure how long Justin and I could have handled that.

Heres some pics of our sweet girls... (and yes I am having a hay day dressing them up the same or color coordinated)

How cute are my matching girls?

V puts her dolls in her shirt when I put Annabelle in my Moby wrap- too cute


  1. I'm glad things are going better! I hope Annabelle's tummy aches go away soon! Those are no fun! Luke was my big time puker and he eventually stopped around 12 months (but he still drools like crazy and has to wear a bib). So, does Annabelle look like your baby pictures? Your girls are so darling and I like the coordinating outfits!

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  3. I feel your pain, my son had acid reflux too! We didn't know what the heck was going on because just like Annabelle, he would projectile vomit every drop of every single feeding and was barely gaining weight. When we finally got him on the medicine it helped a lot and by 3 months, he rarely puked (other than the usual spit up). I hope things are getting better for you now that she's on the medicine. I love, love, love the family pics. You guys are so adorable, straight out of a catalog :)
