Wednesday, November 17, 2010

One of those days...

breathe in.. breathe out... deep breaths are gonna be necessary to get me through today.  Can you say exhausted? I am walking around in a cloudy haze.  Violet woke up 10 times last night. Yes, 10.  Lately she has been going to bed and then waking up like 5 times within the next 2 hours.  Not sure what the deal is.  It's like she can't get into a deep enough sleep to make it past 20 minutes.  Very tiring and frustrating. 

So, my day started with a very grumpy, tired mama.  I went to make a ginormous pot of coffee and spilled the used grinds all over the floor and counter.  Great.  I decided to make a smoothie since I just bought a ton of good fruit.  I pull the blender out and see that it has a whole forest of mold growing in it.  Double great.  No smoothie today.  (and yes the moldy blender is still sitting on the counter, with the coffee grinds) The next part of my morning goes smoothly until I let yorkie #2 out, Penny, and she weasles her way out the fence onto our outer yard which is next to our road.  I go out with baby on my hip and thank goodness see her out there.  Of course she ignores me and won't come back.

I run into the house, plop Violet down and sprint out the front, around the house and corner the little bugger.  Penny has a problem with scootchin' though the fence to play with the chickens next door but this was the first time she made it out to the open road.  Scary. 

Now I sit here, amidst the piles of baby laundry and baby toys, with a sink full of dirty dishes and dog hair coating my floors, wearing the same pajamas I have been wearing since Sunday.  I'm not sure much will get done today.  Today is just one of those days....

Despite all this, how can I not feel blessed with this darling diva..

and how can these socks not make u smile?

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