Thursday, December 9, 2010

Funny Girl

As I've mentioned before Violet is an extremely vocal baby.  She is rarely quiet.  Giggling, fake coughing, gurgling, babbling and her favorite... shrieking.

She is becoming so good with her hands too.  She can pick up her toy now and spends a lot of time putting things in her mouth.  Pretty much everything goes in her mouth at this point! She is getting better at eating baby food too.  I don't feed it to her everyday which is probably why she isn't that great at it.  She is getting closer and closer to sitting up each day.  She also is starting to try to crawl.  She is only scooting but she sure is tryin' to figure it out.  And she only goes backwards.

I have been trying to watch to see what hand she favors and it seems to be the left.  She sucks her left thumb and usually has her toy in her left.  I am a lefty so we shall see.

I mix fruit into the rice cereal, she likes it better

practicing sitting

this is purely for picture purposes I promise... isn't it the greatest though?
(and yes that is a notebook with Zac Efron in the background... I am a high school musical fan. Nerd, I know)

1 comment:

  1. She's a good jumper! Isaac wore holes in the feet of his sleepers from all the jumping he did as a baby. I hope she's sleeping better for you!!!
