Friday, December 31, 2010

Sittin' Up

Violet gets better and better at sitting up everyday.  She can actually sit unassisted for about a minute.  If I put her boppy around her she can sit for a long period of time.  She loves to sit on her blanket surrounded by all her toys.

She also can now roll back over onto her back.  So she can now do a complete 360.  She rolls right off her playmat! When she is on her tummy she kicks her legs alot, I think she is trying to crawl or scoot around.  Soon enough!  She also loves to put her feet in her mouth and she is obsessed with sticking her tongue out.  It's probably out 8 hours of the day! 

She is finally getting the hang of eating baby food.  She doesn't spit it all out anymore.  I usually just give her rice cereal mixed with baby food once a day and in small amounts.  I have learned she likes thicker consistency rather than runny.

The day after Christmas we went and ate leftovers at my parents and I gave her some sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes.  She LOVED them.  She kept whimpering when I would stop feeding her.  I also gave her a taste of whip cream and she started crying for more.  This girl loves grownup food.  Baby food is just not her thing! She watches Justin and I eat and tries to grab everything.  It's funny how intensely she watches us when food or drinks are around.

Violet is best buds with our littlest yorkie Penny.  Penny sits on her lap and Violet grabs her fur and tries to pull her into her mouth.  It's adorable.

1 comment:

  1. wow what a good doggie! Ours would never tolerate being "loved" that much!!!
