Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sick Day

I've been sick the past few days which is pretty much not ideal when you have a little one.  All you wanna do is lay on the couch and do nothing.  Little V does not like doing nothing.  So I gotta admit I pretty much nursed her all day long so I could sit and relax.  I even got her to take a few naps which is rare.  We watched cartoons together and then I watched Sex in the City 2.  Man the clothes those girls wear are insane.  I would love to have some clothes like that... what the heck am I saying, I wear pajamas everyday.  Ok, maybe I want some of Carrie's pajamas then, even those were so glam. 

I recently bought the cutest heels on ebay for $20.. gotta show em' to ya.  Very Sex in the City...

yes they are covered in glitter and like 5 inches high
all my heels are like 4 inches or higher... in other words I have to be careful because I am very klutzy.

Violet also got a very Sex in the City hat, very posh. It's size 2-4 though so it won't be fitting anytime soon.  I love the name of it- Coyote Ugly.

it's fur with giant rhinestones... I die..

So, back to the sick thing.. hopefully it will pass in a few days.  Feels like there's a brick sitting on my face.  I have been downing the water and emergency powder packs.

One good thing about being sick is that the hubs brought me chocolate and flowers, isn't he the greatest?

lime green roses - love it

Oh and I wanted to show a pic of our new electric stove.  It is soooo cute.  Justin's mom got it for us.  We are going to paint it, not sure what color yet.  It totally goes with our little farm house... very cozy.

See the new pretty green wall and molding in the background? That's what we have been working on.. so this is just a sneak peak, I'll show the finished project after I decorate the room.  So far, it's amaze.  Totally diggin' the green.


  1. Love the shoes, love the hat, and love the green! I hope you get feeling better soon! Mom's aren't allowed to be sick. If dad's are sick, they can take a sick day. Unless the mom is almost dead, they don't get a sick day. It's so unfair!

  2. i know right? so unfair. i need a sick day so bad. or a nanny! haa
