Two weekends ago we went camping. Isn't camping fun? The s'mores, campfire, cute red tent and smell of nature. Well.... we had all of that more. Let me start by saying that we went camping at Folsom lake, Beals Point to be exact. We didn't trek up in to the mountains to explore the great outdoors, we drove 15 minutes up the road for our great expedition. That may have been our first mistake. We arrived early Friday evening truck packed, Hartwin in the back and big grins on our face. We wanted our campsite to be out in the boonies, maybe the furthest one away. We wanted to feel alone in the wilderness where bears could attack our food and we slept with our pocket knifes. Maybe we would even get lost and have to kill a mountain lion for food to survive. Well, our spot ended up being one of the first ones on the camping loop, right next to the road. But that wasn't the bad part. Right across from us was a Citrus Heights (ghetto town of Sacramento area) family reunion. Are you kidding me? Instead of listening to the birds, crickets and sounds of the forest, we got to thug out to all the dirty rap music we wanted. With their lowered trucks and loud sound systems blasting at all hours at night, it wasn't quite what we expected. Then are neighbors arrived at about 10pm. Oh boy. Not sure what they were on or experimenting with but they stayed up all night jabbing away only to go to bed around 8am the next day. If we had been comfy cozy in our cute red tent, we may have been able to block it out... well, being that I haven't been camping since high school, I forgot that no padding under your sleeping bag is pure hell. Hip bones, back bones, elbows and other bones we didn't even know existed dug into the hard ground. My sweet husband went to Costco the net day and bought us an air mattress. I suppose camping in town has its advantages.

Day two... we are hiking and walking around the lake, eating foil meals and enough s'mores for a family of 8. Then comes the other neighbor. I would take the Eminem, 50 cent and Snoop Dogg any day over this fruit loop. For one, he was obsessed with Hartwin and kept joking that he was going to take him. Two, he told the most horrific jokes... blonde jokes, sex jokes, political jokes, and racist. He would not leave us alone. He hung at our campsite for hours. Everytime he would finally walk away to go back to his site, 5 minutes later he returned with more jokes about the "ragheads" walking by. His vodka hidden in his lipton raspberry tea bottle raised his voice 5 octaves which resulted in him shouting "Wheres the snipers" and "go back to your country" in regards to the poor Muslim and Israeli people walking by to their campsite. Luckily I was reading a book so I buried myself in that and let Justin suffer. Sorry honey. All in all, we had a great time, learned how to pitch a tent, start a fire and fully enjoyed roughing it. Next time I think we will actually go out of our area to camp, somewhere that's too far for Citrus Heights people to go to.